Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

Side note: Can't remember now who thought of the ice chest for the FF but I want to give feedback...the ice chest is working beautifully, no freezing of contents and a good ferment still going. Wish I had thought of that idea because it's a doozy!
Wow, that was fast... did you just happen to have a dusty dead ice chest layin' around, or get one that quick. No moss on that Bee!
Wow, that was fast... did you just happen to have a dusty dead ice chest layin' around, or get one that quick. No moss on that Bee!

We have them in storage.
Out in the sticks the electric goes off quite frequently, so most folks have an ice chest or two on hand for emergencies, fishing trips, to transport cold things home from town(20 mi. away), camping and for family get togethers. You know me...I jump in with both feet and then see if I can swim when it comes to experimenting on things. So far, I've found that fat girls float rather nicely.

The one I'm using has wheels on it and an extendable handle for ease of moving it with heavy items in it..not that I plan on moving it, but that's the one I chose for the coop. It holds more than my buckets, so I'm able to keep way more FF on hand, percolating, during the cold temps. I've been using it for a few weeks now and temps have been below freezing for several nights hand running during that time and no freezing at all in the chest. Actually, it seems to stay a little warm in there...when I open it up, there is condensation on the underside of the lid.
I cheated, I googled it!!!  A baptist pallet is when parents would put a blanket on the ground for the young'uns to lay on during the evening church services.

I hear you Bee!!  I am waiting for that day to come also.

Lisa :)

Cheater cheateeerrr! LOL But you're right. Baptist use to have looong church services during revival time. The mamas would make the kids a bed on the floor to sleep on - a pallet. In the past people around here would visit and have sleep-overs pretty often (adults too). They would make their beds in the floor so called it making "Baptist pallets".
We have them in storage.
Out in the sticks the electric goes off quite frequently, so most folks have an ice chest or two on hand for emergencies, fishing trips, to transport cold things home from town(20 mi. away), camping and for family get togethers. You know me...I jump in with both feet and then see if I can swim when it comes to experimenting on things. So far, I've found that fat girls float rather nicely.

The one I'm using has wheels on it and an extendable handle for ease of moving it with heavy items in it..not that I plan on moving it, but that's the one I chose for the coop. I've been using it for a few weeks now and temps have been below freezing for several nights hand running during that time and no freezing at all in the chest.
Heh. I love the wheeled idea... maybe next time. We've had below freezing temps for about a week, no freezing in the cooler's 5 gal bucket either. If I didn't have to replenish it thru a gate and whatnot, I'd probably skip the bucket and fill the cooler, too. Eventually everything will be stored on the same side of the fence, and that will help. :) Bodging the water buckets, tho. just keeping a gallon or 2 in them, dumping 'em out in the AM and adding Hot bathtub water to 'em. Seems to help, and the ckns like it. Another daily chore. Maybe next year. It's just since we've got 'em all in different areas/coops, don't want to buy 5 or 6 water heating things.
Cheater cheateeerrr! LOL But you're right. Baptist use to have looong church services during revival time. The mamas would make the kids a bed on the floor to sleep on - a pallet. In the past people around here would visit and have sleep-overs pretty often (adults too). They would make their beds in the floor so called it making "Baptist pallets".

There were 7 of us in my family. We loved sleeping on pallets!!

Lisa :)

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