Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

I bought some eggs from an Amish lady back before mine started laying. They have RIR, nice big dark brown eggs! But the eggs weren't that great because I'm sure they just feed dry feed and she said they were penned. But they did look nice and I bet would be really good eggs if on ff and allowed some free ranging time.

I hope the owner of these RIRs retrieves them but from what I'm hearing from her daughter, I may have a third breed, at least long enough to run the best of them through the Turken cock houses a couple or three years.
I hope the owner of these RIRs retrieves them but from what I'm hearing from her daughter, I may have a third breed, at least long enough to run the best of them through the Turken cock houses a couple or three years.:idunno

You might decide you really like them. Those eggs I bought were perdy!
You might decide you really like them. Those eggs I bought were perdy!
These girl are growing on me. Production of large to extra large brown eggs is what I strive for. I wouldn't bring any more in but I would infuse these if they keep the promise I'm seeing. They are very easy to deal with and have bonded with the other birds that are about 4 weeks older than they are.

All right....the last of the Phone pics...get them out of my system. Won't post any more 'til I get this da..rned ca. figured out.

They are digging into the last of their FF in that bowl today. Notice this cockerel is just about every pic. That's because he keeps an eye on me and goes where I go when I'm in the yard.
These girl are growing on me. Production of large to extra large brown eggs is what I strive for. I wouldn't bring any more in but I would infuse these if they keep the promise I'm seeing. They are very easy to deal with and have bonded with the other birds that are about 4 weeks older than they are.

All right....the last of the Phone pics...get them out of my system. Won't post any more 'til I get this da..rned ca. figured out.

They are digging into the last of their FF in that bowl today. Notice this cockerel is just about every pic. That's because he keeps an eye on me and goes where I go when I'm in the yard.
I'm not necessarily one for NN, but that is one cool looking dude!
HA! Sounds like my White Leghorn and Ancona roos. If I go in the pen everybody else is at the back looking at me but they come and follow me around. I like their spirit.
All 8 of mine have bucket love.  They all want to get close, just in case I have any Peanuts.

For some reason my roo pen doesn't get real excited over feed. I can't figure them out unless I'm feeding them too much and they are full all the time. Just don't know.
For some reason my roo pen doesn't get real excited over feed. I can't figure them out unless I'm feeding them too much and they are full all the time. Just don't know.

I'd say that's it....never met a chicken that didn't get excited over food. My rooster pen ate double rations today, one right after the other and was just as excited to get the second batch as the first one...and then they hunted like starving hogs through the new bedding for the BOSS I threw in there. I think they would eat one another given half the chance...
HA! Sounds like my White Leghorn and Ancona roos. If I go in the pen everybody else is at the back looking at me but they come and follow me around. I like their spirit.

I don't want ANY of my birds to fear me. They have over 250 acres to roam, once they are turned into the main flock and I want to be able to have a pretty good chance of reaching down and picking one up, no matter where we might be on the place.

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