Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

A shock collar has cured all of our dogs various bad habits real quick. You start low and if he pays no attention to it you up it in small increments until he gets the message. It doesn't hurt them, but is a great training tool. You know how country folk are supposed to cure dogs of killing chickens? You tie a dead chicken around the dog's neck and let it rot. Leave it for awhile and after you take it off he won't go near a chicken for anything. People swear it works. You just can't have the dog come near you and I don't know how one would manage that. : )
A shock collar has cured all of our dogs various bad habits real quick.  You start low and if he pays no attention to it you up it in small increments until he gets the message.  It doesn't hurt them, but is a great training tool.  You know how country folk are supposed to cure dogs of killing chickens?  You tie a dead chicken around the dog's neck and let it rot.  Leave it for awhile and after you take it off he won't go near a chicken for anything.  People swear it works.  You just can't have the dog come near you and I don't know how one would manage that.  : )

A shock collar is on my wish list. One is definitely needed around here! I have heard of that solution for killing chickens. When I have had chickens killed I am usually so aggrevated that I forget all about trying that. lol I hope I don't have that opportunity again!
Baltimore? That explains....Ah...I still own a house in Graceland Park, off Dundalk Avenue. Would love to sell it!!!

Edited to ask : Bruce, just curious, was Mr. Hoffmans chicken store on Pratt street, in the down town market district. Just curious.

I used to buy live chickens in that area but don't remember the names of the purveyors.
see i knew you were baltimore. yes. it was mr hoffman. he was also on lombard st across from attmans deli. o'my i know graceland park very well also know as wasteland park. it has gotten bad. the abc streets as well. all used to be working class people. mostly the steel plant. i lived on plainfield rd for a short time. then the armstead gardens i see your a salty dog as well. man, i mis those watermelon boats. also the arabers with the horses. if you are from baltimore you can never shed the cockyness. just our way tough as nails..
Buckle down the hatches on coops, warm bedding and such for this storm all you folks on the eastern part of the country! I think we'll have some power outtages if we get what they say we will, so make sure you have all the necessities ready and all animals have enough water....might be hard to keep it unfrozen if relying on heated buckets and such. Be safe, stay warm, snuggle down and ride it out.

Been raining here all day and is still pouring it down. The ice and snow that follows may uproot trees around these parts so we always get all the laundry washed up, take a shower, wash the dishes, etc. so that we are not caught too unawares. All supplies ready and stocked.
see i knew you were baltimore. yes. it was mr hoffman. he was also on lombard st across from attmans deli. o'my i know graceland park very well also know as wasteland park. it has gotten bad. the abc streets as well. all used to be working class people. mostly the steel plant. i lived on plainfield rd for a short time. then the armstead gardens i see your a salty dog as well. man, i mis those watermelon boats. also the arabers with the horses. if you are from baltimore you can never shed the cockyness. just our way tough as nails..

I went to college in the area and was stationed at various installations around Baltimore...Fort Meade, Aberdeen Proving Grounds...etc. And yes, Graceland Park is now worse than 'Hillbilly Heights' used to be but I'm lucky to have had good renters there for years...thinking of selling them the place on land contract.
Buckle down the hatches on coops, warm bedding and such for this storm all you folks on the eastern part of the country!  I think we'll have some power outtages if we get what they say we will, so make sure you have all the necessities ready and all animals have enough water....might be hard to keep it unfrozen if relying on heated buckets and such.  Be safe, stay warm, snuggle down and ride it out.  :hugs

Been raining here all day and is still pouring it down.  The ice and snow that follows may uproot trees around these parts so we always get all the laundry washed up, take a shower, wash the dishes, etc. so that we are not caught too unawares.  All supplies ready and stocked. 

I believe I washed about 6-7 loads of laundry today getting ready for this! LOL Some were small loads but I wanted EVERYTHING clean just in case. Yep washed up all the dishes too. Still need to run some water and charge the big flashlight. When we had the huge ice storm in '09 I had just bought two new heaters that day. In the middle of the night I woke up COLD! I grumbled that those *** heaters ain't worth a ***! The power had gone off and was off for 9 days! LOL
Yep, like 2 peas in a pod.
Can you tell me about the firearm he's carrying there? I've got a thing for them.

Thanks for the kind words ladies. Bee did a good job explaining 'ramps'....there's nothing quite like them, either you love them or hate them...I fall in the latter category.

Ramps might compared leeks as American cheese is to Limburger.

Shellz, the firearm is a tricked-out muzzle loader. I always told him he should have just taken his .30-.30 rifle but WV has a muzzle loader season and he made the most of it...not a purist weapon or anything near it. But he really did enjoy hunting for sport...never killing a deer just for the killing. The walls are adorned with white tail beauties taken from out land and others and no meat ever went to waste. Everything worth eating went into our freezer or was donated to the groups that provide meat for the less fortunate.

Thanks again...talking about him eases my mind a bit.
I believe I washed about 6-7 loads of laundry today getting ready for this! LOL Some were small loads but I wanted EVERYTHING clean just in case. Yep washed up all the dishes too. Still need to run some water and charge the big flashlight. When we had the huge ice storm in '09 I had just bought two new heaters that day. In the middle of the night I woke up COLD! I grumbled that those *** heaters ain't worth a ***! The power had gone off and was off for 9 days! LOL
Right you are Bee...Last yea's weather finally got me to invest in a natural gas powered generator! Not an investment I wanted to make but I will not soon forget the miserable days you mentioned of last year!!!
We gave our generator away....too loud, too much gas use and we never used it so it got dry rot on the hoses. We've homesteaded without utilities for many years so we just prepare for that and live like we used to do back then. Lamps and lanterns, outhouse, bird baths and water rationing, etc. Our meat is in the jar this year, so the only thing in the freezer this time is some bones for the dog and a few odds and ends. Nothing that will be a great loss if we cannot keep it frozen.

We found out last year that those folks with generators got in a real bind when it was time to refill on gas...the gas stations were shut down and when they finally opened they were rationing gas! Epic fail for those depending on generators who didn't have plenty of gas stored to last through the duration of the emergency.
We gave our generator away....too loud, too much gas use and we never used it so it got dry rot on the hoses. We've homesteaded without utilities for many years so we just prepare for that and live like we used to do back then. Lamps and lanterns, outhouse, bird baths and water rationing, etc. Our meat is in the jar this year, so the only thing in the freezer this time is some bones for the dog and a few odds and ends. Nothing that will be a great loss if we cannot keep it frozen.

We found out last year that those folks with generators got in a real bind when it was time to refill on gas...the gas stations were shut down and when they finally opened they were rationing gas! Epic fail for those depending on generators who didn't have plenty of gas stored to last through the duration of the emergency.
I know what you mean...I have too much stored in freezers that I can not afford to lose ...plus I have free natural gas. I can stand a bit of noise for a while...

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