Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

Yes pretty prairie, some small mesa's, salt plains, rolling hills, lakes, rivers, mountain foot hills (no real mountians though) OK has such an abundance of different geography, it is often overlooked. I am not native to this state, but truly consider it home.

I agree Oklahoma is versatile! My DH is an Okie (Shawnee). I lived there about 12 years and wouldn't have a problem moving back. I loved the country and the people.

Lisa :)
How much milk are you getting a day? What do you do with it all?

We have talked of getting goats, but as you pointed out, you can't really leave on a trip. We have a family down the road that take care of my flock when we do leave and that is usually for just a couple of days.

Lisa :)
I have some pretty good producers and even now, I'm getting about 6 gallons per day from four does. Saanens great goats and I an getting ready to breed them (late, for late kidding)..I make lots of cheese when I'm in the mood and feed the whey to the chickens. Lots of times, I just use all the milk in the chicken's 'winter mash'. They love it .

The whey alone has lots of goodies for the birds and the whole milk has the added benefit of the solids.
I have some pretty good producers and even now, I'm getting about 6 gallons per day from four does. Saanens great goats and I an getting ready to breed them (late, for late kidding)..I make lots of cheese when I'm in the mood and feed the whey to the chickens. Lots of times, I just use all the milk in the chicken's 'winter mash'. They love it .

The whey alone has lots of goodies for the birds and the whole milk has the added benefit of the solids.

Wow, you sure are tempting me!! Have a great evening!!

Lisa :)
Okaaay... just how much is property in SOUTH Florida??? Ahhhh (sigh) I started out with 14 eggs this morning then Mr Ice smacked me down and now I have 8!!! Just walking along and W-H-A-M I'm on my back. But first I had to land right square on my bum knee. I layed there saying, "Oh God oh God please help don't let this mess my knee up!" LOL I layed there a little bit afraid to move and the rooster were having a cackling fit (seriously!). lol Finally I turned and looked at them and said, "I ain't dead." And they shut up immediately. Now hmmm, were they glad or disappointed? I finally got up and it didn't hurt... too much. I guess Somebody had a little mercy on me, YET AGAIN.
But how much is that property in SOUTH Florida? (Half a dozen broken eggs did tick me off!)

Until I can get to Florida I want some of these...
Hey Triple, you can move to NORTH Florida with me! Not as hot as SOUTH Florida is, but we don't usually get ice in winter either
Wow, you sure are tempting me!! Have a great evening!!

Lisa :)

Goat milk is a miracle food! lol I love it. I'm really attached to the goats too. Aside from their affectionate ways, they provide what it takes to make all kinds of products...cheese, hard, chevre, farmstead, yogurt, and on and on. I've even made whey cheese but that takes a lot of time and not worth the trouble!

One of my favorites (among many) is feta...so easy and so good!!!!!!
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Crampons are those things you strap on the bottom of your boots that are all spinet on the bottom to dig into the ice. My sister has some... Personally I just walk extra slow. Sevens years of ice skating when I was a kid has made my balance on ice pretty decent.

Ok, I have seen those crampons. They look pretty good. I had a gift card left from last year that I had to spend so I actually did go buy some cleated football shoes, got home just a little while ago. LOL They weren't too bad, about $39 and with the gift card I only paid about $12. Can't beat that and they're Nike's! So pretty right now but headed for the mud and ice tomorrow morning. LOL Be glad when they are broken in.

Usually it is slick mud that puts me on my fanny. I was just walking along this morning then on the ground so fast! There was no balancing about it. LOL
Goat milk is a miracle food! lol I love it. I'm really attached to the goats too. Aside from their affectionate ways, they provide what it takes to make all kinds of products...cheese, hard, chevre, farmstead, yogurt, and on and on. I've even made whey cheese but that takes a lot of time and not worth the trouble!

One of my favorites (among many) is feta...so easy and so good!!!!!!
Mmmm...FETA! SO tasty! I would love to learn to make it. I guess I need some goats first though...
TW, I am so glad you are okay!!  After seeing Lacy's picture, it reminded me of Bee's prediction that her birds are waiting to eat her after falling down.

I would love it if you came to Texas.  :love   You both would love the weather!!

Lisa :)

Thank you Lisa. :) If I were going to move Texas would be on my list of possibilities. I've been there 2X and I do like it. Yep, no doubt some hungry (or not so hungry) chickens would chow down on somebody! lol
Wish I had that kind of grace and coordination!  If there's a sharp corner in the house, my shin my hip or my funny bone will find it.  If there's a slippery spot to be had outside on the 4" mound we have around my hawthorn tree by the chicken pen I will slip, fall and break my neck on it.  I envy those with balance!
Ditto! X100
We're headed to Florida next year for Christmas at Disney, but that's about as close as I like to get to hot and humid.  :sick   Hawaii was even worse.  Pretty, but not places I'd want to live.  I don't like to sweat when I'm just sitting still. 
Ditto again! LOL

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