Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

It does help, even that little bit. I'll be wearing medical gloves tomorrow for just that purpose. Usually I don't use them because they just get in the way, but tomorrow they will give me a little protection against the wet and cold while I do this thing. I'm keeping a bucket of hot water on standby as well so that when I clean up my work table in between messes at least it will be hot water I'm dealing with.

Good thing about it, we won't have to chill out those birds as we process....
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Easter 2014 is April 20, so he would be 47 weeks old.....just shy of 11 months old. What do you think he would dress out now.....5-6 pounds?
One of my birds I processed a few weeks ago was 8.75 pounds "on the hoof" and processed, he came down to 5.5 pounds. He was not a dual purpose breed at all and your bird will probably put on some more mass here pretty soon. Good luck with him.
The medical gloves are what I use too. I put on as small a glove as possible, because I think the compression helps with the joint discomfort as well.
Well....gotta hit the wonderfully soft and warm bed! It's been a long, long day and tomorrow will be another. Everyone stay safe and warm tomorrow in this storm...go easy!

I'll leave you with this thought....now that the FDA is going to crack down on antibiotics and other meds being available without a prescription at the feed stores, do you think more folks will be looking for natural means to keep their flocks and herds healthy? I'm bettin' all the sudden some folks will be wanting a crash course on home remedies for sick animals and preventative ways to keep them from getting sick in the first place. There will be a whackin' big learning curve for folks who have been depending on meds to keep their animals healthy all these years.
One of my birds I processed a few weeks ago was 8.75 pounds "on the hoof" and processed, he came down to 5.5 pounds. He was not a dual purpose breed at all and your bird will probably put on some more mass here pretty soon. Good luck with him.
Thanks! It is good to know how they dress down to gauge them based on their "hoof" weight
He has gained 3/4lb over the last 4 weeks, and he actually feels heavy now. I am hoping he continues to gain flesh weight.
Oh Jeez, Triple, hope you're ok?  Come to Louisiana>  I'm in zone 8b and it's been miserable the last few days.  Frost on the ground in the morning lately and it drizzled all day.  At least 40 degrees.  Ha   We do have some cold weather.  Our lowest is maybe 18 degrees every winter a couple of times.  I remember seeing snow before. :lau    Every few years we will have a snow storm of 2-4 inches but it doesn't last but a day or so. 
Speaking of falling, my daughter Aimee owns a dog grooming and boarding shop.  Today she was taking a hugh dog out of a kennel and the strap wrapped around her wrist.  Dog (over 100 lbs)  went flying and so did she.  Landed on her hip.  NOT a happy camper.  But up and around doing her chores.  It wonderful to have a really good work ethic.  Mine is not nearly as good.  :plbb

Thanks! Dang, I'm glad your Aimee is okay! I've had my critters put me on the ground a few times. God knows I don't need any help on that! LOL

Sounds like you might have some mud! I have took more dives in mud that snow or ice! lol I live on a hill, not huge but a hill anyhow. Sometimes one foot will just take you the wrong way in one of those slow can't stop falls, or you do the splits and older bodies aren't built for splitting! lol. And ahhh, that ice - one minute you're just walking along and the next you're laying there looking up doing a mental assessment from head to toe to see what hurts. hahahaha
I missed this post!  Awwwww, TW!  I'm sorry you had a tumble!  :hugs   Something like that can jar yer innards so badly that you don't know what you've hurt until the next couple of days when all the twinges show up.  Old...old bodies hurt more after a fall.  Ask me how I know.....  :p

Here's what you need.....cheap and will make your shoes look like they are bad to the bone. 


We keep a set of similar crampons in the truck just in case of emergencies, but so far my winter boots are providing enough tread for choring around, though ice is another thing altogether and simple rubber tread just sometimes doesn't cut it. 

Jake sends some slobber for your boo-boos (he seems to think that helps...I keep tellin' him that only mother slobbers work but he feels boy slobbers work if they have enough warmth to them). 

Tell Jake I said thanks and I feel better already. lol My dog has been in trouble the last day or so. He keeps going off "visiting" and won't come quick enough when called. Ticks me off! If he keeps on he's going to find his self in Doggie Gitmo for an extended stay!

I know what you mean about not knowing what all you hurt for a day or two. Then sometimes you wonder how in the world you hurt here or there or how in the world you got a bruise in some odd place. lol I remember a doctor I had years ago giving me the third degree over some bruises. She thought somebody was beating on me! LOL I love that doctor. She left and went to California ...and I boo-hooed. lol I thought about just up and flying out to California for a doctor visit someday just to surprise her and see the look on her face. LOL Doctors like her are few and far between. Love that woman! :(

Those crampons are serious looking! I like! Those "gaiter" things advertised on that page look nice too. If they came taller and were snakebite proof I wouldt have to have some of those too.

I feel better than I did a few hours ago when I went to bed. Amazing what rest can do for the body. :) I was woke up about an hour ago, now back for some more zzzzzz's before the sun comes up and tries to ruin that! lol
Well....gotta hit the wonderfully soft and warm bed! It's been a long, long day and tomorrow will be another. Everyone stay safe and warm tomorrow in this storm...go easy!

I'll leave you with this thought....now that the FDA is going to crack down on antibiotics and other meds being available without a prescription at the feed stores, do you think more folks will be looking for natural means to keep their flocks and herds healthy? I'm bettin' all the sudden some folks will be wanting a crash course on home remedies for sick animals and preventative ways to keep them from getting sick in the first place. There will be a whackin' big learning curve for folks who have been depending on meds to keep their animals healthy all these years.

How right your Bee. So many folks have no clue as how to live without chemical intervention. I try to use anything like that as rarely as possible. I do worm my young birds and even kids with Valbazen and Ivermectin until they are turned into the laying flock in the spring but after that...they are wormed in a more natural way..same for exterior parasites.

I'm sure that other than you and I, there are many who come here who know about some of the natural treatments for various ailments for animals and humans but I fear a greater number would clueless.
Hi all... Just thought I'd drop by and say hello to all you nice folks out there. Hope December is treating you and your birds well ! My girls are back up to 5 eggs per day which is better than the 1-2 every other day... I haven't installed any supplemental lighting as yet and if they continue the way they have been, I may just leave the lighting alone for awhile.

We're preparing for a doozie of a storm up here in eastern Canada ... Beginning tonight it's calling for 6 - 10" of snow, changing over to ice pellets then to sleet/freezing rain with temps at 8 F going all the way up to 40 F by tomorrow afternoon... Should make for a real nice mess ! It has been bitterly cold here this past week or so, hovering right around 14 F everyday with cold winds and plenty of snow. We normally don't get this kind of weather until mid to late January and February ! I guess we'll take what the good Lord gives us and be thankful for our health, food on the table and plenty of wood on the fire to keep us warm ! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend :)

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