Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

For CX @ 3 weeks old and in a semi temp controlled room that stays between 68-71 degrees (within a few degrees of our living quarters upstairs) do I need additional heat sources?
I keep the ff in the same space to keep it bubbling.
I'd like to split the group up into 2 brooders. One brooder isn't set up with a heat lamp tho. It was ordered but it'll be a week at least.
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Does anyone have problems with their fermented feed luring in more predators than normal? I am actually a little concerned about luring in feral pigs.....among other things.

Having more predators might have something to do with the time of year, not as much for them to choose from to eat...?
Yup, in fall and winter creatures need to search harder for food/prey and they are more visible with less places to hide (leaves fall/bushes go dorment/grasses die down...)
I have a lot of predators and leave my buckets right next to each coop with a spoon and a loose top lol. Never had anything go for the buckets except the chickens :)
Having more predators might have something to do with the time of year, not as much for them to choose from to eat...?
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guys i am stumped here. please look at this https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/843259/no-clue-on-what-do-on-this-or-what-is-going-on. i am sick to my stomach.

Sorry to hear about that, Bruce!
Swollen face, lack of appetite and diarrhea....I put these symptoms in the search engine along with the word "chickens" and came up with this...over and over:

Let us know what happens with this and if this is an isolated thing for both flocks concerned as some learning could result from this episode.
Sorry to hear about that, Bruce!
Swollen face, lack of appetite and diarrhea....I put these symptoms in the search engine along with the word "chickens" and came up with this...over and over:

Let us know what happens with this and if this is an isolated thing for both flocks concerned as some learning could result from this episode.
thanks bee. there is no discharge or smell .according to the new owner. all this took place in a matter of 5 hrs.. if i have corzya i will cull my whole flock. period. i know it happens. i will draw blood on those birds. then i will know for sure.
That would be a tough row to hoe, Bruce. I'm hoping it's nothing like that at all and just an isolated incident in these birds alone. There are a few other things that cause that facial swelling that are less dire, so have them test thoroughly while you're at it.

How are those RIRs laying for you this winter? Someone told me the heritage line RIRs will lay in the winter without a light and was wondering how that was working out for you.
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the reds are laying just fine. slow down in the winter is expected. they do lay on average in the winter 3 eggs a week.
they are simply beautiful. hardy suckers.
on the sick birds.for a sec. clueless simply clueless. those birds were fine when they left. 5 hrs later. my guess is that they are allergic to something in her house. she placed them on a towel in her home. could be what is in her house. i am taking the birds back. then they will go through the whole battery of what the heck. i check my entire flock everyday. nothing simply nothing. no sneezing no sickness. all eating drinking. you know how i am. i see a dirty coop i clean it.
when those birds left my home . i had to catch them first. that was easy their heads were in the food bowl.
if i have to cull the flock i will. it must be done. i have 50 more chicks in the brooder . however the reds will take a hit bad. as i have none at this time.breeding was to be Feb. i will see what the future holds shortly all in due time.
i got some of those blue legged french meat birds. bresse. kind of neat little birds. i also just picked up 21 cornish x . i am out of chicken in the freezer. the other 11 birds are going to slaughter on the 31. as i am finishing them out now. i did the old corn oil added to the feed trick. i can't wait to eat them english orpingtons. big suckers.
How many different breeds are you runnin' now??? How do you keep them all sorted out and on a breeding program? It would send me running for the hills!

I think 3 eggs per week in young fertile birds is what I would expect during a winter slow down and in really cold weather like we are having. That's all I would really expect of any bird during the winter months.

Why in the world would the lady take chickens home and put them on a towel? Weird. Maybe she uses a lot of fabric softener in her laundry and it caused an allergic reaction, who knows? Never seen anything like that swelling happen so darn fast...actually...I've never seen any swelling of a chicken's eyes in all my born days except on these forums. It may be one of those mysteries you never solve.

Side note: Was reading about other ways to naturally treat pink eye in livestock and someone posted about raw honey and water solution being successful......

the reds are laying just fine. slow down in the winter is expected. they do lay on average in the winter 3 eggs a week.
they are simply beautiful. hardy suckers.
on the sick birds.for a sec. clueless simply clueless. those birds were fine when they left. 5 hrs later. my guess is that they are allergic to something in her house. she placed them on a towel in her home. could be what is in her house. i am taking the birds back. then they will go through the whole battery of what the heck. i check my entire flock everyday. nothing simply nothing. no sneezing no sickness. all eating drinking. you know how i am. i see a dirty coop i clean it.
when those birds left my home . i had to catch them first. that was easy their heads were in the food bowl.
if i have to cull the flock i will. it must be done. i have 50 more chicks in the brooder . however the reds will take a hit bad. as i have none at this time.breeding was to be Feb. i will see what the future holds shortly all in due time.
i got some of those blue legged french meat birds. bresse. kind of neat little birds. i also just picked up 21 cornish x . i am out of chicken in the freezer. the other 11 birds are going to slaughter on the 31. as i am finishing them out now. i did the old corn oil added to the feed trick. i can't wait to eat them english orpingtons. big suckers.
Bruce, I have a small breeding pen of Bresse, if you should have to cull, I will gladly help you restock that pen in the spring....

hoping things work out, and it does not ome to that.
The FF in my bedroom was making encouraging noises last night, though still not fermenting to the degree I like...lots of burping going on so it's starting to metabolize better in the warmer temps in my room, which are around 55-60*.

Snowing pretty steady here right now and roosters get another stay of execution for today....dead chickens walkin'!
Tension is getting high in the pen as they experience cabin fever from being cooped up. <snicker!> I give them several apples a day to give them something to peck at, but this situation has got to end soon. Waiting for a break in the weather.

Changed out hay in the nests to encourage exploration of the nest boxes...nice, huge, fluffy nests of sweet, green hay there now. Mama Hen jumped right up to inspect and lay her geriatric contribution to our food supplies. One egg. One ancient chicken laying one egg. Those youngsters better pay attention...Bee is sharpening her knives for processing day....

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