Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

I spent most of today repairing chickens and I had a couple of roosters I needed to process but I'm tired!!!!!

Repairs made: one of my hens had a big gash in her side from where the rooster's foot slipped off her back and his toenails ripped her open. The gash was probably about 3" long. I'm not sure when it happened because she had some scabbing and a lot of yuk in it but it wasn't infected. I cleaned her up real good, got all the yuk out and off, plucked the feathers around the wound, treated it with peroxide and then with iodine and then I took a needle and thread and sewed her up. There are some gaps between the stitches as well as a bigger one at the bottom, but I wanted it that way so the wound could drain. I'll be checking on her several times a day for a while to make sure it stays clean and she heals up nicely from the inside rather than from the outside and sealing in some problems. I got her put out in a cage by herself til I can get to the roosters. Then as I was putting her in, I felt a big scab on her other side and looked. What I found was another gash. This one was only about 1.5" long and didn't look too bad. It was kind of healed up but I knew I'd have to open it to get whatever might be caught inside out. Well, there were feathers caught in the scab and once I got that off I found about 3 feathers under her skin. They were all coated with mucus but I got them all out and cleaned up that wound and sewed her up some more. She's a really good girl. She has all this going on and she has continued to lay right through it! I like her a lot.

Once I got her back into her little cage, I noticed one of the other hens was limping pretty hard as she tried to get away from me. So I snatched her up for an inspection. No side wounds but her foot was very tender. So I brought her inside and cleaned her foot up the best I could. I thought it might be bumblefoot but as I examined it I didn't find any cheesy plug. She had something protruding from the wound and I couldn't really tell what it was but I cut around it and I think I got it all out. She was bleeding pretty heavily (not squirting) so I finished up and cleaned it with peroxide and then iodine and pressed a thick pad of gauze on the wound to stop the bleeding. I put a gob of antibiotic ointment in there and wrapped it up with vetwrap and put duct tape over that so she couldn't get the bandages off. Once she was back on the ground she wasn't limping as hard as before so hopefully I won't have to do anything else to it.

Ah the perils and trials of chicken ownership! Sheesh! It's been a long day and I'm tired. Maybe tomorrow I can get to those two roosters.
LOL.... in my best Gilda Radner voice.... "Never Mind"


hahahaha You guys!!!
Quote: Hi perchie girl-- love your new avatar-- new since the last time I've seen your posts-- love the drawing . .

I like your idea of the stock trailer/ people partition . . . might be the new living arrangements for many who are still loosing thier homes in this economy. I do know a fellow that is homeless and is truley trying to make due with what the Lord provides. A humble man. A well educted man-- didn't go to college but uses his brain to learn more. Always at the library reading on the internet. Great stories of his life to share. ANd a resonating laugh. Love when he talks about hitching up the horses to go logging with his brother. . .
Good points ... Perhaps I shouldn't have been so quick to judge. My bad... I apologize.

No need! I do the same thing and it's pretty much because we've become jaded from reading posts on forums. It's an overload of irrational, impractical and illogical statements and so when we see another we just assume that is someone out there who is an otherwise functioning adult but are more of the same that we have become used to.

That is what I need!!! Why didn't I think of this before! If I had a good sized stock trailer I could just pack up everybody and leave when I want to run away from home!

When I was in college there were kids with horse trailers WITH LIVING QUARTERS! Snot nosed rich kids! lol

Makes ya wonder why more folks are not converting old stock trailers into mobile coops for pasture raising their birds...or for moving them in a jiffy to a new property.
It certainly would be easy to do. Little plywood some hardware cloth... and you wouldnt defeat the original purpose of the trailer. Especially up in the nose area.

I spent most of today repairing chickens and I had a couple of roosters I needed to process but I'm tired!!!!!

Repairs made: one of my hens had a big gash in her side from where the rooster's foot slipped off her back and his toenails ripped her open. The gash was probably about 3" long. I'm not sure when it happened because she had some scabbing and a lot of yuk in it but it wasn't infected. I cleaned her up real good, got all the yuk out and off, plucked the feathers around the wound, treated it with peroxide and then with iodine and then I took a needle and thread and sewed her up. There are some gaps between the stitches as well as a bigger one at the bottom, but I wanted it that way so the wound could drain. I'll be checking on her several times a day for a while to make sure it stays clean and she heals up nicely from the inside rather than from the outside and sealing in some problems. I got her put out in a cage by herself til I can get to the roosters. Then as I was putting her in, I felt a big scab on her other side and looked. What I found was another gash. This one was only about 1.5" long and didn't look too bad. It was kind of healed up but I knew I'd have to open it to get whatever might be caught inside out. Well, there were feathers caught in the scab and once I got that off I found about 3 feathers under her skin. They were all coated with mucus but I got them all out and cleaned up that wound and sewed her up some more. She's a really good girl. She has all this going on and she has continued to lay right through it! I like her a lot.

Once I got her back into her little cage, I noticed one of the other hens was limping pretty hard as she tried to get away from me. So I snatched her up for an inspection. No side wounds but her foot was very tender. So I brought her inside and cleaned her foot up the best I could. I thought it might be bumblefoot but as I examined it I didn't find any cheesy plug. She had something protruding from the wound and I couldn't really tell what it was but I cut around it and I think I got it all out. She was bleeding pretty heavily (not squirting) so I finished up and cleaned it with peroxide and then iodine and pressed a thick pad of gauze on the wound to stop the bleeding. I put a gob of antibiotic ointment in there and wrapped it up with vetwrap and put duct tape over that so she couldn't get the bandages off. Once she was back on the ground she wasn't limping as hard as before so hopefully I won't have to do anything else to it.

Ah the perils and trials of chicken ownership! Sheesh! It's been a long day and I'm tired. Maybe tomorrow I can get to those two roosters.
If you lived in RI you would have the MSPCA at your door!!! Truely!!! That is considered practicing vet medicine!! Last year or so an older fellow fixed up a booboo on his dog like that; than something else happened so took the dog to the vet. THe vet sa what he had done and well . . . can't doctor your own animals around here!! SHeesh.

(Unfortunatley the news didn't carry the story thru to conclusion, so I don't know how this was resolved. I would like to beleive that the media just hyped it up and it was just a bizarre situation, like a greedy vet and over ly enthusiastic MSCPA staffers-- but I don't think so . .. )
Quote: Hi perchie girl-- love your new avatar-- new since the last time I've seen your posts-- love the drawing . .

I like your idea of the stock trailer/ people partition . . . might be the new living arrangements for many who are still loosing thier homes in this economy. I do know a fellow that is homeless and is truley trying to make due with what the Lord provides. A humble man. A well educted man-- didn't go to college but uses his brain to learn more. Always at the library reading on the internet. Great stories of his life to share. ANd a resonating laugh. Love when he talks about hitching up the horses to go logging with his brother. . .
Thank you about the drawing.... it was done very fast.

My dad had only a highschool diploma.... Son of a sharecropper so he KNEW work. He taught machine shop in the Army became a tool maker after then a tool designer taught himself electronics, physics, and Mathematics... enough to take the next step in jobs. Eventually he advised PHDs on the nuts and bolts ends of thier experiments/product development. He would have been totally at home living in a horse trailer. But he hated farming.... LOL, Through his life stories and watching him work on experiments I grew to love science and Dream about stepping back just a little and having my own little farm.... Just enough for me. Now i am almost too old.

If you lived in RI you would have the MSPCA at your door!!! Truely!!! That is considered practicing vet medicine!! Last year or so an older fellow fixed up a booboo on his dog like that; than something else happened so took the dog to the vet. THe vet sa what he had done and well . . . can't doctor your own animals around here!! SHeesh.

(Unfortunatley the news didn't carry the story thru to conclusion, so I don't know how this was resolved. I would like to beleive that the media just hyped it up and it was just a bizarre situation, like a greedy vet and over ly enthusiastic MSCPA staffers-- but I don't think so . .. )

Now, that's insanity!
That's like saying if you buy band-aids and Neosporin for your kids you are dispensing meds and if you use them, practicing medicine without a license.

Maranatha!!! Oh, please!
If you lived in RI you would have the MSPCA at your door!!! Truely!!! That is considered practicing vet medicine!! Last year or so an older fellow fixed up a booboo on his dog like that; than something else happened so took the dog to the vet. THe vet sa what he had done and well . . . can't doctor your own animals around here!! SHeesh.

(Unfortunatley the news didn't carry the story thru to conclusion, so I don't know how this was resolved. I would like to beleive that the media just hyped it up and it was just a bizarre situation, like a greedy vet and over ly enthusiastic MSCPA staffers-- but I don't think so . .. )
I had an Australian Blue heeler who cut her flank somehow....never did figure out how.....She was the most gentle thing, but I guess Blue Heelers have a bad reputation. I told the vet that if he would just let me stay with her and hold her head that she would be fine with local, and he told me that if he couldn't sedate her that he wouldn't do it. So like a fool, I let him do it. A few weeks later, the same thing happened.....same side, same place. So the kids and I got down in the floor, one kept her from raising her head and talked to her, and the other held her back legs. I had some lidocaine, so I cleaned the wound and numbed it, then sewed it. If I had been in RI, I guess I'd be in Jail....lol. I wish I had done the first one myself......On a positive note, she never did it again!

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