Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

Rose, I am sorry for the confusion. If I had thought about it, I would have realized you meant Coconut Oil. I had finished reading about Castor Oil and its benefits when I saw your post. I just figured you must have another way of using it.

Lisa :)
Castor Oil is a topical treatment for lots of things, in this case frostbite. Compare to things like petroleum jelly. It's also a dewormer but it can be pretty tummy upsetting and gross to take it yourself.

Coconut oil is a cooking oil and sometimes used for skin care. It's really high calorie but tastes awesome and the fats are beneficial in small doses. Too much can be really bad for you because of the really high calorie count.
Castor Oil is a topical treatment for lots of things, in this case frostbite. Compare to things like petroleum jelly. It's also a dewormer but it can be pretty tummy upsetting and gross to take it yourself.

Coconut oil is a cooking oil and sometimes used for skin care. It's really high calorie but tastes awesome and the fats are beneficial in small doses. Too much can be really bad for you because of the really high calorie count.
Lol thank you
That's good to know!  I've been using the CO for various things and finding it amazingly effective!  Wish I had known about all this years ago.  My mother even got in on trying it out after seeing what I've been doing with it.  She has a sore on her leg that just won't heal and it's always red and tender, so she picks at it.  She put some CO on it this morning and she said it no longer hurts even when she runs her hands over it and some of the redness has subsided. 

I need to get up in the coop one night soon and put some more on my oldest hens' feet as their ankles look a little swollen and uncomfortable looking.  It really helped with that the last time I applied it to them and has kept them well for many months since.  Time for a new dose. 

I do believe the CO has worked wonders for Rodney and I'm gonna give him another good slather before the temps drop again !
WBF, glad to know Rodney's comb is doing OK.  Mine are pretty much the same as before this last cold weather.  Their tips are basically black and hard so they are all dried up.  They are gonna look really bad once all of that necrotic tissue comes off.  They have definitely dubbed themselves and beyond.

Thanks, BCM. At least there is one positive thing about the frostbite, once they are dubbed there won't be anything to frostbite next year !
yes CO is some wonderful stuff. We're cooking with it now and that and olive oil is all we use now in oils.
So glad your roos comb is better. Can't remember who that was but am glad its better and not infected! YEA!!!!!

Ok, I missed it somehow. CO? Would that be coconut oil?

Edited: Nevermind, I read it. Sorry. I had no idea about Castor Oil either.
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My Ancona roo looks so much better. The dead part of his wattles has fell off and he looks like they were never frostbitten. His wattles are only about half as long as they were, but oh well. No infection or anything so I'm happy and I bet he is too.
That's good!
This foo foo roo doesn't have large enough comb or wattles for frost biting...his are more like a hen's. That's probably a good thing because I have a feeling he wouldn't take it too well....he's pretty much a sissy bird. Pretty embarrassing.

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