Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

And it's not just her...I've seen this in my sister, my son, his wife and in people at work. It's almost universal in how they act about their cell phone. It's kind of scary. It's like a tiny idol that they keep in their pocket and they've bowed their heads to over and over throughout the day.
Yep, sorry to say that is me. On the flip side, I have no idols and only one God! A God that gave me a blessing today that I can't post (work related) but it shows he always takes care of me!

A lot of days I probably don't even make a call or text.
Now that just gave me the shivers...
Wait, got a text coming in, will be back soon...
Yep, sorry to say that is me. On the flip side, I have no idols and only one God!  A God that gave me a blessing today that I can't post (work related) but it shows he always takes care of me! 

Now that just gave me the shivers...:lau   Wait, got a text coming in, will be back soon...

LOL You will be okay.
I will be getting one of those Govt phones now that I'm on SS and qualify. It will give me 150 min a month. I'm only gonna use it while I'm outside in case I fall or something. Or on the road. I don't do text at all so no worries there. Still keeping my landline in the house. though. Not totally stupid.
Is there a 12 step program for that?

Need to sign up!!!
Quote: Nope it is my preciooooooooooooous!

On a side note, I have gotten really good at making chicken stock! I LOVE using stuff you normally throw away to make something soooooooooooooooooo yummmmmy! Nope, mom did not teach me that one, figured it out by a search on my "cell phone"

Still would prefer to just go live with Bee for a year and soak it all up in real form. Guessing my kids would not be happy about that!
Quote: Nope it is my preciooooooooooooous!

On a side note, I have gotten really good at making chicken stock! I LOVE using stuff you normally throw away to make something soooooooooooooooooo yummmmmy! Nope, mom did not teach me that one, figured it out by a search on my "cell phone"

Still would prefer to just go live with Bee for a year and soak it all up in real form. Guessing my kids would not be happy about that!
Gollum Gollum Gollum......

I will be getting one of those Govt phones now that I'm on SS and qualify.  It will give me 150 min a month.  I'm only gonna use it while I'm outside in case I fall or something.  Or on the road.  I don't do text at all so no worries there.  Still keeping my landline in the house. though.  Not totally stupid.  :gig

I hope you don't ever need it but they are good to have in case you do need it. I know some people with one of those phones. They have some pretty nice ones.
Got ? for ya....... got a few things going on and not for sure what's happening here.......

hubby has been feeding the chickens for me for quite some time now due to my health. On days I feel like it I will go feed them because I enjoy messing with them. But this isn't a whole lot now a days in the cold and in the rain etc.

I've been making the ff here in the house and it smells fine just like it always has but it's a little soupier now for some reason and I'm not understanding why when I've been doing this for many months now. I don't know IF they changed up the food or what. Anyway day before yesterday they didn't eat much of their food but they got BOSS and a little chops since it was going to be cold. For some reason they have backed off eating as much of their food as they were. Then yesterday they didn't hardly eat any of it. Wondering what's going on. I wasn't able to let them out to free range at all for days because of it raining and the girls have those saddles on because of the roos making their backs bare. Now only one roo, but still need to keep the saddles on. So they were shut up in a smaller area in the pen to keep them dry from the rain and it being freezing at night time to. So I had closed off their run because of keeping them dry.

So hubby went out there yesterday I think it was and came back inside telling me to get me plenty clothes on since it was cold and raining and go check my roo. The girls have picked his feathers out all around his tail and he only has a few tail feathers on his tail. :( He's pitiful looking now for sure. I worry about them pecking the skin now since it's naked!
and even thinking about making him a saddle to cover his skin to avoid that!
They or one not sure how many is doing this, have worked over with one the hens head and she don't hardly have any feathers there either. She's my best layer to! Don't know if this was due to boredom or what but they have NEVER acted like this before but then again they were able to free range or be in the run. Spoiled chickens! ARG..... anyway wondering WHY they're not eating as much of their food now? And wondering why they are doing this with the feathers? I used to have a Aussie roo that was doing this when they were really young pulling feathers but I put him in a pen to himself. But he's been lonnnng gone. Not had any problems with this since.

I guess I just need to make extra saddles and let them into the run or free range when they can and that way I will have dry saddles for them but I hate to have to change them so much.

I checked them for mites and for lice and found zero. No eggs or anything at the shaft of the feathers. No scales on their feet are lifted or anything

Also one of the girls (the best layer, #19 bless her heart) the roo has split her on the side, she lost her saddle today while free ranging and I guess that's when it happened. :( It's not deep but now I worry about him cutting it deeper and wondering what to do there. Anyway he just cut the fat part of the skin and I put some salve on her and put some on her head to since she's the one they worked over on her head and now she has no feathers.

I thought the roos nails might need trimming or something so I trimmed just the tip ends of two off and they both bleed. :( Made me sick. So they're not needing trimming. He has a very short spur and its not really sharp. I just don't want her to have a gaping wound and am clueless and sure don't want to separate her but don't know what else to do.

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