Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

As you alluded to. It does have cyanide but in such low does and special circumstances its approved. FD A also approves a certain amount of rat hair and insect parts in ur food I worked at Farmland K Id use it but it is NOT RECOMMENDED tlaround the. eye or mucous areas That is why Drs use a special formula and lots of people died along the Oregan trail because they used arsnic back then. Just letting people know they have options. Not saying you cant use it
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Quote: LOL Like the Rodeo Song..... They wouldnt play it in the clubs till after Midnight.... I never listened to radio as a young person Too busy out messing with the horse.... Dads idea of good radio wias The Tijuana Brass played full blast and all the doors open on the house.... Good in small doses but very embarrrassing to a 13 year old.

As you alluded to. It does have cyanide but in such low does and special circumstances its approved. FD A also approves a certain amount of rat hair and insect parts in ur food I worked at Farmland K Id use it but it is NOT RECOMMENDED tlaround the. eye or mucous areas That is why Drs use a special formula and lots of people died along the Oregan trail because they used arsnic back then. Just letting people know they have options. Not saying you cant use it
Up till 2013 Arsnic was allowed to be used in chicken and pig feeds, till someone figured out it might not be a good idea. Its an appetite enhancer....
As you alluded to. It does have cyanide but in such low does and special circumstances its approved. FD A also approves a certain amount of rat hair and insect parts in ur food I worked at Farmland K Id use it but it is NOT RECOMMENDED tlaround the. eye or mucous areas That is why Drs use a special formula and lots of people died along the Oregan trail because they used arsnic back then. Just letting people know they have options. Not saying you cant use it
Potassium cyanides are commonly found in pesticides, toilet bowl cleaner, acetone, bleaching solutions,gasoline,hair straightening products.....

I think super glue is a non issue.

LOL  Like the Rodeo Song.....  They wouldnt play it in the clubs till after Midnight....    I never listened to radio as a young person Too busy out messing with the horse....   Dads idea of good radio wias The Tijuana Brass played full blast and all the doors open on the house....  Good in small doses but very embarrrassing to a 13 year old.


LOL Parents have a way of embarassing you at times don't they? I grew up with a lot of country music and plenty of classic rock and there was some bluegrass mixed in there too. I like bluegrass, wish I could play the banjo. I actually bought one but I can't play anything beyond the radio! Ohh and you gotta have some soul music too, love it.
Omg! I've had parrots poo on my shoulder. :gig a calf, I'd faint lol

It was pretty gross. LOL I remember it being kinda undigested and green. I think that calf was waiting on me to walk by! hahaha The worst, I don't know but I guess a tie between pig and veal calf poop. Both blaaaah... upchuck! I have been a poop expert in my day. hahahahaha
Quote: I love all music with only a few exceptions. But cant carry a tune in a bucket..... LOL. I used to be a clogger too Could dance to Foggy mountain break down or East bound.... But Dang Unless I was dancing in a group or had a caller I couldnt remember the steps. Of course the ones that were very popular got danced alot and I would remember the routine. I finally got decent enough to get high heeled tap shoes.... Gawd What a flashback. Of all things I learned how to ballroom dance first.... At a Polka Palace.... LOL what dang fun was that.....

I love all music with only a few exceptions.  But cant carry a tune in a bucket.....  LOL.  I used to be a clogger too Could dance to Foggy mountain break down  or East bound....  But Dang Unless I was dancing in a group or had a caller I couldnt remember the steps.  Of course the ones that were very popular got danced alot and I would remember the routine.  I finally got decent enough to get high heeled tap shoes....  Gawd What a flashback.  Of all things I learned how to ballroom dance first....  At a Polka Palace.... LOL what dang fun was that..... 


I have neeeever been able to dance, probably because I am too shy. I did a little dancing but felt like a total fool the whole time. Now my mom is the dancer. They grew up square dancing. There are places around here that have dancing every week and a lot of people go regularly. The last time I went was with my mom and aunt. Laaawd, the place we went to was way back in the boonies somewhere around here. It was way back and dark and I think I might have crossed a creek or two and a corn field getting there! hahaha Just kidding - just a gravel road and mud holes. HA! When we got back to the place it was huge and full of people. I doubt if I could even find it again! LOL

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