Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

Granted. XP

So my wheaten Ams are growing super well and are super loud... Turns out another lady I talked to about possibly getting some wheaten am eggs who said she would bring them out to me really meant "I will bring them nearly 3 hours away from you and you will have to spend $36 in gas and spend all day to get to me to get the eggs". :| Fooey and poo. I may just have to settle for BBS Am eggs if I want blue eggs depending on how many roosters to hens I have. Which is sad because I love the way the wheatens look!

They're growing like weeds on the FF. Not like the CXs of course, but still like weeds! Their wing feathers came in really super fast, too. Fast enough that by the time I thought to check them to attempt wing sexing they were all grown in already. Whoops! We've been referring to all of them y what my beau dubbed them as; "Tweetsmith"s. Hopefully they will magically turn out to be three pullets!

I have Blue Americaunas coming in April. I wonder how blue they will be? Love the look of the blue eggs that Cream Legbar puts out. But they are so hard to get. I think.
Brine recipe sent to Angelicisi and RachaelS

Can't you just put it on here?

Edited: Never mind I see it.
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I have Blue Americaunas coming in April. I wonder how blue they will be? Love the look of the blue eggs that Cream Legbar puts out. But they are so hard to get. I think.
DMRippy has some cream legbar crosses that are called SBEL (super blue egg layers) - aka: a blue egg layer crossed with a white egg layer, makes for bigger eggs and more of 'em.

Also, cjwaldon has them.

I think both of these ladies are fairly close to you.
I started a batch of FF a few days ago. I did not add anything to start it at the time. Can I add UPACV now?
I was finally able to butcher the rooster Bee and everybody else to. Bee has helped me soooo much I just had to come on and share. I got pix of the whole process just like you do Bee. ONLY thing I didn't get to do was check him for worms. I sure did want to do that but had no clue WHAT to cut into to check. I found out I am feeding them too much though because he had lots of fat around his butt. It was over an inch thick. OR maybe it could be because he's been penned up for awhile and not being able to free range? Anyway that is the prettiest meat and reminds me of deer meat it's sooo dark. THAT blew me away because the chicken I buy from the store is soooo pale in color and as soon as I sliced the leg and thigh to take it away from the body I was like oh wow look at the color, how pretty.
I asked people to pray for me and I also prayed as well. I had no problem with it. Yep He answered our prayers because I raised this one from a baby and I still am in shock I did it. lol
OH AND he's not even a year old yet either. This was the one that kept wanting to attack us.

See the fat on the thighs

Here is HOW FAT his butt was.

Look how fat the gizzard was. I took pix of all the organs. Am pressure cooking him now.

His heart split open toward the bottom of the pic, then the liver above that. I cut it in half.
I decided to pluck him because I wanted the skin. Hubby helped me pluck him to.

This roo has had fermented food since he was like 2 months old.

His skin was sooo pretty and clean. No mites or lice or anything.
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I'm so very proud!!! And he is a beaut! And, yes, he looks very well fed.
Very healthy skin and organs in those pics. I think the meat is much prettier than store bought chicken also. Wait until you get some of that flavor...it will steal your heart and you'll never want to go back to store mush again. Praise the Lord and pass the drumsticks, Rosemarie! You are now a flock master!
I'm so very proud!!! And he is a beaut! And, yes, he looks very well fed.
Very healthy skin and organs in those pics. I think the meat is much prettier than store bought chicken also. Wait until you get some of that flavor...it will steal your heart and you'll never want to go back to store mush again. Praise the Lord and pass the drumsticks, Rosemarie! You are now a flock master!

Woohoo!!! Rosemarie. Good going. Stellar job!!
I was finally able to butcher the rooster Bee and everybody else to. Bee has helped me soooo much I just had to come on and share. I got pix of the whole process just like you do Bee. ONLY thing I didn't get to do was check him for worms. I sure did want to do that but had no clue WHAT to cut into to check. I found out I am feeding them too much though because he had lots of fat around his butt. It was over an inch thick. OR maybe it could be because he's been penned up for awhile and not being able to free range? Anyway that is the prettiest meat and reminds me of deer meat it's sooo dark. THAT blew me away because the chicken I buy from the store is soooo pale in color and as soon as I sliced the leg and thigh to take it away from the body I was like oh wow look at the color, how pretty.
I asked people to pray for me and I also prayed as well. I had no problem with it. Yep He answered our prayers because I raised this one from a baby and I still am in shock I did it. lol
OH AND he's not even a year old yet either. This was the one that kept wanting to attack us.

See the fat on the thighs

Here is HOW FAT his butt was.

Look how fat the gizzard was. I took pix of all the organs. Am pressure cooking him now.

His heart split open toward the bottom of the pic, then the liver above that. I cut it in half.
I decided to pluck him because I wanted the skin. Hubby helped me pluck him to.

This roo has had fermented food since he was like 2 months old.

His skin was sooo pretty and clean. No mites or lice or anything.
How did you dispatch him? Did you dry pluck?

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