Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

Way to go RoseMarie!! You did a great job!!

I spent the weekend processing capon slips/roos. I ground the meat, then pressure canned it to have for later use. I cooked the carcasses with onions and celery in the pressure cooker, then canned some beautiful stock. Like yours, mine had a lot of abdominal fat, so I I saved it and rendered it.

I bet your big boy will be delicious, and you will be amazed by the broth!

Again, well done!

Someone had mentioned that they had a rooster that was chasing their grandchildren....was that your roo?
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How did you dispatch him? Did you dry pluck?
hubby shot him in the head so he wouldn't suffer. we just dry plucked him. I wanted to check to see if he had any lice or mites to.
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Way to go RoseMarie!! You did a great job!!

I spent the weekend processing capon slips/roos. I ground the meat, then pressure canned it to have for later use. I cooked the carcasses with onions and celery in the pressure cooker, then canned some beautiful stock. Like yours, mine had a lot of abdominal fat, so I I saved it and rendered it.

I bet your big boy will be delicious, and you will be amazed by the broth!

Again, well done!

Someone had mentioned that they had a rooster that was chasing their grandchildren....was that your roo?
No I don't have grand kids. He was attacking hubby and I from behind. We were using the stick like Bee said and he stopped after the first time on each of us after we got him good with the stick and I got him with my foot one time but he STILL would flap his wings at us within 4-5 foot of us all the time and give us that eye and I'd get at him with the stick. He was just bound and determined and someone told me he'd only get worse as he aged.
I'm so very proud!!! And he is a beaut! And, yes, he looks very well fed.
Very healthy skin and organs in those pics. I think the meat is much prettier than store bought chicken also. Wait until you get some of that flavor...it will steal your heart and you'll never want to go back to store mush again. Praise the Lord and pass the drumsticks, Rosemarie! You are now a flock master!
LOL I knew you were going to have a fit. I fell out laughing when I saw what you said. You're such a hoot.

Do you think some of the fat could be from him staying penned up and not free ranging? Or just too much food so I will know to back off on the hens and the other roo. Although they do free range.
Way to go RoseMarie!! You did a great job!!

I spent the weekend processing capon slips/roos. I ground the meat, then pressure canned it to have for later use. I cooked the carcasses with onions and celery in the pressure cooker, then canned some beautiful stock. Like yours, mine had a lot of abdominal fat, so I I saved it and rendered it.

I bet your big boy will be delicious, and you will be amazed by the broth!

Again, well done!

Someone had mentioned that they had a rooster that was chasing their grandchildren....was that your roo?
yeah that's why I wanted to pluck him so I could save the broth. It smelled heavenly cooking I know that! He's sooo tender now and will be so good with some barbequ poured on. yum.
Good job RoseMarie! You're gonna love that ff flavor!
Thank you Lacy Blues. I'm really excited I was able to do it so I could see what was going on inside my birds like Bee and you guys do. I completely forgot to weigh him before and after so I would know WHAT he weighed. ughhh. I did bring my camera so I could take pix and put it so I could see it and remember to take em. I have 43 eggs in the incubator now and plan on having some more roos to eat later out of those if I have bunches of fertile eggs and bunches to hatch. So excited I was FINALLY able to do this and get my brain ready with Gods help of course. :D

THANX you guys!!!!!
LOL I knew you were going to have a fit. I fell out laughing when I saw what you said. You're such a hoot.

Do you think some of the fat could be from him staying penned up and not free ranging? Or just too much food so I will know to back off on the hens and the other roo. Although they do free range.

Could be a little of both. I've not had a rooster with that much fat around the vent before, so he could be getting some extra tucker. Good to see a little fat on a roo, though, so it will make for some extra good cooking on this rooster. You've seen the enormous fat on my hens when I process and I don't overfeed, so it could be a combination of things like good free range/forage, the FF, and his being confined a short time before butchering.

Whatever it is, that's one fine looking, clean and pretty carcass on a bird and you should be very proud of yourself and your management skills. Good work on your part and good help from the Lord. The Lord is good, isn't He?
Oooh! Good job, rose! I would feel all jealous of your pressure cooked rooster (Mmmm!). Except today I ate slow cooked chipotle BBQ pulled rabbit sandwiches and I have enough leftovers to eat it tomorrow too! :3 (Home made bbq sauce of course!)
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