Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

Good Morning!

Just wanted to let you know that my little chicks have been here for less than 24 hours and they have already attacked their ff. I am off to a good start!!

Lisa :)

A good start in life.
Good luck with them
I have spent most of today reading here about raising meat birds, and using fermented grains. My layers really went through the food this winter. If I could cut costs and keep them happy and healthier that they are now I would be one happy chicken momma. I like the idea of raising meat birds. We raise our own beef, and pork. For years we have fed the pigs a wet mash. I am now thinking about fermenting their grain. We will have to do that by the garbage can full.

On raising meat birds. I will definitely go with fermented grain. My only issue is that neither husband or I seem to be capable of killing. Will need some help there. I am thinking to buy 15 chicks, raising them, then bartering five to my son in law to help with processing. If we do well, then we will talk about how many to do next year.

I want to ferment for the layers as well. I am thinking to mix barley, some wheat, and some corn with layer pellets in my fermentation buckets. Right now I am feeding a product called "Feather Fixer" for help with molt, and prevention of mites. I am not sure if it can be fermented.

I love the idea of using panty hose to cover the buckets and keep bugs out.

My plan today is to go buy a couple Easter buckets to get chick food started in. Plus a cheap pair of panty hose to cover. We also have problems with mice. They actually chewed through a heavy duty plastic garbage can that I store grain in. Then I need to find the unpasteurized apple cider vinegar. The meat chicks should be available on Tuesday.

Has anyone raised white turkeys with the meaties??

Any help and advice would be much appreciated!
I have spent most of today reading here about raising meat birds, and using fermented grains. My layers really went through the food this winter. If I could cut costs and keep them happy and healthier that they are now I would be one happy chicken momma. I like the idea of raising meat birds. We raise our own beef, and pork. For years we have fed the pigs a wet mash. I am now thinking about fermenting their grain. We will have to do that by the garbage can full.

On raising meat birds. I will definitely go with fermented grain. My only issue is that neither husband or I seem to be capable of killing. Will need some help there. I am thinking to buy 15 chicks, raising them, then bartering five to my son in law to help with processing. If we do well, then we will talk about how many to do next year.

I want to ferment for the layers as well. I am thinking to mix barley, some wheat, and some corn with layer pellets in my fermentation buckets. Right now I am feeding a product called "Feather Fixer" for help with molt, and prevention of mites. I am not sure if it can be fermented.

I love the idea of using panty hose to cover the buckets and keep bugs out.

My plan today is to go buy a couple Easter buckets to get chick food started in. Plus a cheap pair of panty hose to cover. We also have problems with mice. They actually chewed through a heavy duty plastic garbage can that I store grain in. Then I need to find the unpasteurized apple cider vinegar. The meat chicks should be available on Tuesday.

Has anyone raised white turkeys with the meaties??

Any help and advice would be much appreciated!
Feather Fixer - ferment away. I do.

Someone suggested getting some hardware cloth to wrap the bottom of your feed bucket in so they cannot chew it. I would probably use 1/4" hardware cloth or real wire screen.
I think it was this one and I've been sampling them.....nice place for chickens there! Love all that bedding material...that's like money in the bank. Your fussy Aussie reminds me of Fanny...she was like that and it's what made her one of my favorites.
oh ok..... I posted one on there for you to look at of a satellite dish gazebo hubby and I made several years ago. I was thinking about making a chick pen out of it. Not sure but thinking on it. Got a few more projects to finish before I can start another one though. Wish the wire was cheaper.
Good Morning!

Just wanted to let you know that my little chicks have been here for less than 24 hours and they have already attacked their ff. I am off to a good start!!

Lisa :)
yea! I made some yesterday to get mine started out right to when they hatch. Stirred it today and added little more water to it.

hopefully they wont have pasty butt! :)
I have spent most of today reading here about raising meat birds, and using fermented grains. My layers really went through the food this winter. If I could cut costs and keep them happy and healthier that they are now I would be one happy chicken momma. I like the idea of raising meat birds. We raise our own beef, and pork. For years we have fed the pigs a wet mash. I am now thinking about fermenting their grain. We will have to do that by the garbage can full.

On raising meat birds. I will definitely go with fermented grain. My only issue is that neither husband or I seem to be capable of killing. Will need some help there. I am thinking to buy 15 chicks, raising them, then bartering five to my son in law to help with processing. If we do well, then we will talk about how many to do next year.

I want to ferment for the layers as well. I am thinking to mix barley, some wheat, and some corn with layer pellets in my fermentation buckets. Right now I am feeding a product called "Feather Fixer" for help with molt, and prevention of mites. I am not sure if it can be fermented.

I love the idea of using panty hose to cover the buckets and keep bugs out.

My plan today is to go buy a couple Easter buckets to get chick food started in. Plus a cheap pair of panty hose to cover. We also have problems with mice. They actually chewed through a heavy duty plastic garbage can that I store grain in. Then I need to find the unpasteurized apple cider vinegar. The meat chicks should be available on Tuesday.

Has anyone raised white turkeys with the meaties??

Any help and advice would be much appreciated!
I saw where someone online had a trap for mice and I thought it was pretty cool. It's a 5 gallon bucket with a board in the bucket and the food in there and they fall in and can't get out but I can't remember how it's done. Might do a google on you tube videos and find it. Was pretty cool and the said it worked.
yea! I made some yesterday to get mine started out right to when they hatch. Stirred it today and added little more water to it.

hopefully they wont have pasty butt! :)

They won't. The only time mine ever do is if I keep them on the dry stuff too long.

These chicks are two and three days old... enjoying their ff!

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They won't. The only time mine ever do is if I keep them on the dry stuff too long.

These chicks are two and three days old... enjoying their ff!

yeah I just saw the pic on the front porch thread and commented. sooooo cute and yep it's going to be soooo nice not to have to fight pasty butt this year. I think I had like 2 last year and I was constantly cleaning those 2 butts. lol

The things we do for our chickens! I was thinking about that this evening when I was OVER IN their brooder box trying to get the wire divider out of it so when these eggs hatch I will have it ready for them when they get out of the brooder. I couldn't get the screws out to get the wire divider out of there. So I just got over IN the thing so I could put more muscles into it. FINALLY got the thing outta there in case I need both brooder boxes. We put that divider so we could have 2 batches but this one might be a LARGE batch and will probably need all the space. lol So I wanted to get that outta there and just stick it back in with a couple screws while they're not in it yet. So glad I did to or I'd been wallowing in chick poop trying to get it out.
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I am planning to use my grow out pen for the meaties. It is attached to the main run. Can the meaties and the layers free range together? I know that there will be some arguments and picking if they are too close, but the runs are in the large pasture with lots of places to wander.

I found the ACV yesterday. If I read correctly, I can add some of the unpasteurized to a cheap gallon of regular ACV to create more culture. How much of the Braggs do I add to a gallon of cheap?

How much ACV do you add to the drinking water?

If using FF with whole mixed grains and some chicken food for meaties, how many weeks to market weight? Again if I read correctly, feeding them the high protein (22%) meat bird food will finish the Cornish X in about 8 weeks, but with health risks, and quality of meat risks. If I lower the protein by adding in whole grains, and fermenting the food, if seems that I would lessen the risks. But how much longer do you raise them to get them to full size? I am setting up a processing group to help, and I need to give dates soon so that my SIL can be home from his job two states away.

Thanks again for your advice and experience!

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