Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

I get mine at Walmart but I know Wegmans has it as well

Yeah, I got mine at Walmart where all the other vinegars are, but our other local grocers have it, nowdays, too. I only bought one bottle, but I added some of it to a bottle of regular Heinz ACV in a glass bottle after reading on here that you can spread some mother around that way. The result might not be unpasteurized, but it will end up having some mother in it, so it spreads some of those health benefits around and lowers the cost of future vinegar purchases.
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Just started fermenting. Love this idea. The girls loved it yesterday. I reused the liquid today and it now has a distinct odor. Smells yeasty and kinda like aged cheese. Is this a normal smell?
Yeah, I got mine at Walmart where all the other vinegars are, but our other local grocers have it, nowdays, too. I only bought one bottle, but I added some of it to a bottle of regular Heinz ACV in a glass bottle after reading on here that you can spread some mother around that way. The result might not be unpasteurized, but it will end up having some mother in it, so it spreads some of those health benefits around and lowers the cost of future vinegar purchases.

It doesn't matter. When the mother gets in it turns to unpasteurized. Google on how to make it. Good going.
If mine scratch their food on the ground, they eat it off the ground. I don't get overly excited about food on the ground or them walking on it. If they find a pile of poop they will bury their heads in it and gleefully dig for treats and eat them straight out of the poop, so feet and dirt aren't real biggies in my thinking.
X2 on that one.

Where might I find unpasteurized apple cider vinegar ?
Once you get some you can make more by adding it to apple juice. It takes some time but it is cheaper.
Hi folks been awhile since I popped in .. Just been lurking and learning. I have a question.. It may be a repeat and I apologize but have been reading for over an hour today and last night and not found info I need :)

Hubby brought home some Brewery Grain...2 trash cans full. Its a wet mix. I do not have enough freezer space to freeze it and drying out that much is not an option. So my question is has anyone fermented it with success of keeping it a little longer ? Between the cattle and the chickens we will likely use it up in 10 days time. Im getting lost of opinions on the protein levels and safety of using it so thought I d ask here for feed back:) Thanks in advance!
Hi folks been awhile since I popped in .. Just been lurking and learning. I have a question.. It may be a repeat and I apologize but have been reading for over an hour today and last night and not found info I need :)

Hubby brought home some Brewery Grain...2 trash cans full. Its a wet mix. I do not have enough freezer space to freeze it and drying out that much is not an option. So my question is has anyone fermented it with success of keeping it a little longer ? Between the cattle and the chickens we will likely use it up in 10 days time. Im getting lost of opinions on the protein levels and safety of using it so thought I d ask here for feed back:) Thanks in advance!

Congrats on the grain. I'll be interested in the answer also.
I recently started fermenting feed for my 4 ISA browns over the past few days.
They seems to enjoy it more than anything else however I have noticed instead of foraging around the garden they seem to stay in their favourite hiding spot all day only coming out to eat, drink and go back to the coop when the sun is setting.
They will be 22 weeks as of the 16th of August and they havn't started laying yet.
I want to know is this change in behaviour due to the changed food source or is this normal at that age coming up to lay?
New tasty treat may be all it is. I think they may calm down and return to regular foraging soon. Someone else may have differing ideas. I'm with my first flock that a year old now. Ak rain

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