Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

I'm anxious to get my layers on FF too. I don't think mine are eating enough either and they kick out so many of the dry pellets. I like the added water the FF provides especially in this late summer heat. I am going to try to find something better to feed them in tomorrow so that I can start them on the FF. I'm hoping that they will kick out less of the FF and actually eat it. I don't mind the idea of feeding more if I know that it is not going to waste and if it improves feather condition and egg laying. I've been very happy so far with how my keets & poults are doing on it. Next week I'll have some chicks to try it out on. They will be on our covered porch for a while so I'm anxious to see if the reports of less smell are true with this new bunch!
Another important note (to me) is that at their night feeding they are actually eating more than they have ever eaten. They like the fermented feed so much better than the dry pellets. Used to be... they would only pick out their very favorite things so I was feeding less and less so they would eat the pellets. Now, they can't pick and choose, I'm feeding more and they eat it all! I am very pleased with this method, even though they're eating more because I'm sure it's healthier for them than just eating enough to satisfy the need and then go to perch. I'm really hoping that the new feathers will be high quality feathers and nothing resembling brittle.
Thanks guys, I never would've believed it if I hadn't seen it myself :gig Now I have to wait for a couple more eggs so the whole family can try them at once :drool

Congrats on the first egg!!! Your rooster sounds like a keeper :)

I can't wait for my pulleys to start laying. Mine are only 14 weeks so I have a bit more time to go.
I started buying my own whole grains to FF in addition to the scratch. I cut back on the amount of grower crumbles I am feeding now. I want to see how they do on my own mix. I am feeding the ff grains 2 times a day now and they are free rangingy 3/4 acre back yard for 3-4 hours a day. I have noticed that they barely touch the dry food anymore.
Congrats on the first egg!!! Your rooster sounds like a keeper

I can't wait for my pulleys to start laying. Mine are only 14 weeks so I have a bit more time to go.
I started buying my own whole grains to FF in addition to the scratch. I cut back on the amount of grower crumbles I am feeding now. I want to see how they do on my own mix. I am feeding the ff grains 2 times a day now and they are free rangingy 3/4 acre back yard for 3-4 hours a day. I have noticed that they barely touch the dry food anymore.
We ate him on Thrusday (processed him last Sunday). He was great that day but after that, he wouldn't leave Red alone and then chased all the hens nonstop. It got to the point where they were't eating half as much as before. We got the first egg on 7/22, then he became a hormonal monster, no more eggs, processed him on 7/29, then 8/2: 2 eggs, 8/3: 3 eggs, 8/4: 2 eggs, and today: 2 more eggs. It could be a coincidence but we didn't want to put our girls through it and we have two more 12 week old cockerels to replace him and he was tasty

Good luck with your eggs, it's eggciting! The first one was great but when the second one took almost two weeks, that was a long wait lol.

On another note, I processed all my CX ff experiment birds today (well, they need some trimming and bagging and freezing still) so calculations should begin tomorrow or the next day depending on how long it takes to put the finishing touches on 17 birds ( I gave 2 to a friend who helped us today).
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I ferment only grains. I have the pellets out free choice and dry. I tried fermenting the pellets, but really didn't like the extra work. As a treat (especially for the younger chicks) I will scoop out some pellets and mix in a little of the fermented grain liquid, they really like that.
I ferment only grains. I have the pellets out free choice and dry. I tried fermenting the pellets, but really didn't like the extra work. As a treat (especially for the younger chicks) I will scoop out some pellets and mix in a little of the fermented grain liquid, they really like that.

This is what I do too only I feed crumbles instead of pellet.
I ferment whole grains separately from fermented crumble.

The grains ferment continuously - keep adding more grains and water.
I use about a cup liquid from the grains to start each new batch of crumble which ferments for about 36 hours before feeding. I only add enough water to make it wet without standing water. No stirring. I have a system of rotating 5 gallon buckets that works well for me.

I just started the hens on fermented food today which they LOVE. Very happy hens now - they get bucket food like the meaties and also the roo is gone. I also had to re-assign the roo to kitchen duty - he been tormenting the girls lately. I suspect that means eggs are on the way because he's been pretty good up till now.
I had been fermenting 17% no corn pigeon food mixed 50/50 with scratch but switched to a mix of equal parts green peas, oat groats, barley, and wheat. The fermentation action on the new stuff is much more vigorous and the girls go straight for the peas first and leave the wheat till last. When I get it I also mix my grains 50/50 with cooked rice and let ferment overnight, they really go nuts over the resulting slop! Even with bowls of oyster shell out I was getting thin shells until I started sprinkling some directly on the moist feed when I set it out.

muckmuck, where do you get your green peas and oat groats? Is your barley whole or pearled? If pearled, where do you get that?
My wife gets them for me from Magnolia Bird Farm in Riverside (or somewhere near riverside) The Barley is recleaned sometimes labeled regleaned, I'm not really sure what those terms mean. Karen, my wife, has a business grooming and delivering supplies such as feed and toys for exotic birds down here in Vegas, she was getting the peas, barley, and other stuff for some pigeon guys down here and I decided to give it a try. I'm not sure if I'm doing a good enough job keeping their protein up but my girls seem to be doing good.


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