
That one really could go either way. The headspot is a bit dispursed, but not really that huge. Lexie's was pretty large, but she had that much black on her legs. Wait a week so the wings are coming in more and I can see the barring better and if you see a good sized tail on it at that time, it's most likely a girl. The legs have quite a bit of dark on them, usually a pullet trait (though not always).
I'm warning you Kathy, looking at the glint in that beady little eye, whether a he or a she, it's going to be a chip off the ol'block so you better be practicing up on your oatmeal casserole toting skills! ...and prepare for snack attacks.

In sexing BRs, most of them are easy to sex at hatch. Some have in-between sexing traits and are not as easy, like my Lexie, who was thought to be a cockerel for the longest time. I knew for 100% sure that Fern was a pullet the minute she fluffed out.

Large, splotchy headspot with usually a band of "frosting" across the back of the head, no or very little black wash down the leg fronts and the down color looks faded black or silvery rather than just flat, dark black.

Smaller, more defined headspots, dark wash down the leg fronts (usually) and very black-looking down.

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