
When this one is feathered a bit more, it will become obvious. Right now, I'm leaning toward cockerel. Was hoping that Fern would be like her mother and throw pullets all the time (so far, no one has gotten a cockerel from any of Ivy's eggs, including me). Maybe it's a pullet who takes after her Aunt Lexie and likes to play head games with us.
So, did Fern party in the new year? Any tinsel hanging off her poofy butt? Hangover? Stilletto's still muddy from trying to impress Suede?

(Oh DD just saw this post and loves the name Fern, wants to name one of the silkies "Fern". I hope that it's not the name that's sent her down the wrong path...)
What a coencidence both my niece and nephew(sibs) are named Willow and Rowen and I thought only leave it to my sister to come up with some off the wall / odd names and here are both of them together again. Anyway no matter their names odd or not I love the spoilt little devils just as much as if they were mine, I would say I love them even more as they are hers and get to live at her house and just visit here sometimes. OOOH they are rotten, thanks to Meemaw, mostly.


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