
OMG ... When I got home from work, I looked in the incubator, as I was going to clean it up .... and there were 2 more chicks (1 Turken and 1 Orp)! The humidity was down to 50%, and they hatched! I opened the remaining 3 eggs and found 2 early quitters and 1 full developed (yolk absorbed and membrane pipped) splash Orp dead.

I ended the hatch with 6 Orps ... 1 Splash, 2 blue, 3 black! I took pictures, and will upload them tonight. My internet service has been off and on for the past 24 hours, and I can't upload at work.

YAY! I have BBS Orps!
Sure I will. He is gonna have some other big women too....a splash cochin, a red cochin, 2 BOs and maybe an Aussie or 2. Once I figure out what Athena is going to lay, I can separate hers

How many more weeks before she is supposed to start laying?

Refresh my memory...aren't Cochin's the ones with the cute muffed feet and little beards? I just lurvs them fluffy feet!

No beards on the cochins. They are a heavy breed tons of fluff, feathered legs and feet. My Luna is that adorable little cockeral's mom...Draco. She is a splash so she and Thor will give me all splash babies. Some with feathered feet and legs most likely but they should be beautiful.

This is Luna



As a baby she had the most unbelievable foot feathering....I just love her and my Red Cochin, Ruby



hmmmm I see a fat splash that looks a lot like a black splash, 1 blue and 4 black.....but the one black could be a very dark blue. Those are awesome babies lady...

Those turkens....oh my faces only a mother could love. hahahahaha I do not like showgirls either so...
Kathy- am on my way to your house NOW to get those Orp babies. THANK YOU so much for hatching them for me. You are just the kindest person!!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAA
I want some, too!!!!

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