
Cynthia, YAY!!! Smokey and Dusty babies!!!! And Yes! If you can work in another Del egg or two, go for it - Atta girl, Nugget!!!!
I'll have to put her in the broody pen where Shadow is now. They ran her off the nest--even broody, Nugget is very mild mannered and easily bullied. I think she'd settle down on eggs if I put her where she couldn't be disturbed.
Give her one of those little pop guns! She can shoot any other hen in the butt for disturbing her peace and quiet!!

Cetawin....yeah, darn that hindsight! It's always 20/20 ain't it? Dang it woman! I count on you to give me these fiendish ideas! Where the heck were you when I was building a small coop for him?!?!?
I should have been shopping around for a nice big dog crate! That won't happen again, I assure you!
Of course, now that I have Griffin, there's no need, at the moment, to go looking for another roo. Yup! There goes that barn door again!
hehehehe Just telling you what I would have done....but then again I have a thing for roosters. I would spoil every one of them totally rotten!
Who is biting you? Not Ultrasuede? I would prefer 100# food for the crew for a barn warming gift

I am trying to figure out where to put Isaac, Suede and anyone I steal from Cyn's while I am there.
Well, heck I will just build those three boys their own condos with huzzies galore'.
No, Ultrasuede is still being skittishly flirty- it's Roo Choice #1 with his probable five point comb and magnificent stance. . . . we had two little biting incidents yesterday- gotta get that boy over it!
Bite him back. At least that is what grandma said do with the kids. hahaha Is he biting hard? The reaso I ask is because both my Dellie girls are mouthy and "taste" everything, fingers and hands included and they do it for attention too.

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