
Yup, he drew blood yesterday- it HURTS. The girls peck and taste and grab- he bites. He holds still when I pick him up and scold him, and looks me right in the eye. He even sat on my lap. I think he is biting before he knows what he is doing- it happens so fast.
That is such a cute story!

did you know Serrin called you a Queen in another thread (with great kindness and respect



Serriously, if you would weigh in on the baking soda question we'd all love to hear from your experience! Your answers are always so helpful.
Pasty butt also comes from stress. it is most common in newly hatched chicks that are shipped. I am not sure about green early though..mine never wanted greens early...they wanted scrambled eggs and steamed rice...oh and boiled carrots cut into tiny pieces.
It sounds like attention biting...Fattie does that. She will even grab and jerk her head like a pitbull for you to pay attention to her.
Cetawin-I hope that's all it is- I opened up tonight to refresh water and he practically stalked my hand- he went for it and I turned the metal feed scoop over and he got it instead of me - he was pretty surprised- what do you do to stop it besides pick Fattie up first? It's hard for me to pick him up ASAP- it's not a coop I can stand in- and if I go to pet his chest, he bites.
You'll have to swoop him up and hold his beak shut for a minute or so. They really hate that. It's the only way I know to nip that behavior in the bud. Worked with Isaac, just twice was all it took.
Cyn is right..pick him up, grab his beak and hold it close for a minute or so and tell him "NO" firmly and repeat it until he stops struggling...release his beak and if he tries to bite again, hold his beak shut again and keep that up. He will get the idea (hopefully)...not every roo can be fixed that way but he is young enough you can stop it.

Fattie thrashing around like an animal enraged when I hold her beak closed...I hold it until she stays still. She no longer bites my hand when I reach in, she just nips to get my attention and get picked up or patted.
Well, I will keep doing it- He doesn't struggle when I pick him up, which makes me think it IS an attention thing - hopefully one of these days he will get the idea- he reminds me of certain young colts who had to be taught a thing a two-

How are the girls this morning, Cynthia? And is Nugget still broody?
Tom says looks like Nugget wasn't ready. He found the eggs scattered a bit and some cool to the touch. I think I may have to pull her out and see if she will go again later. Meanwhile, maybe another one will do it. I'd even let Dusty so you could get your babies, Beth, even though I don't trust her from the age of two weeks onward.

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