Fertile eggs at the grocery store? ****Picture Added Page 4****

That is so cool!!!! Congrats on your hatch!
Now all I need is to talk my neighbor into giving me his "worthless" incubator. He just can't figure out how to work it.


Edited to say incase he's on BYC and sees this post "I didn't mean you I meant the other neighbor."
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I don't know how much I paid for them exactly but I'm guessing in the $3-4. Standard price for the organic free range etc. etc. eggs.
This thread is cool. I wonder if it the same over here, the free range eggs being fertile, I think I'm gunna buy a carton of free range eggs and give it a go. I might ring the company that I but the eggs off and see if they free range their hens with roosters
And all these years I was told not to refidge the eggs you wanted to hatch or put in a bator. Can this be done with any eggs you buy in the food stores?

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