Fertile eggs


5 Years
Jul 2, 2016
I have just gotten 2 Japanese Bantams ( a rooster and a hen ) for breeding but i have heard that they breed all year round so how will i know which eggs to put in the incubator and which to eat
Incubate all the eggs you get. After a few days in the incubator, candle them (hold a light up to the small end of the egg in a dark room to see inside). In fertilized eggs, you will notice a small dark patch, which is the embryo. Clear eggs are infertile. DON'T candle right away, youn won't be able to see anything.
Once they start mating, you can eat or incubate any of them. Just don't refridgeratr or wash the ones you intend to incubate. Leave them at room temp until you get enough to incubate.

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