...they are missing their tail feathers, but it looks like down is still there on 2 of the 3 with the 3rd one having bare skin.
We have a mixed flock of 17 birds total...16 hens. It seems that I have 1 buff brahma hen and my buff brahma rooster that are a little bare and a golden laced Wyandotte that's really bare. A spot about the size of a .50cent piece around the vent.
Nearly two weeks ago I put in the pen a large tub filled 1/4 way with peet moss with some DE mixed into it. The birds have been using it really well though I'm just not sure all are getting in to take a dust bath. Here's the DE I used... http://stgabrielorganics.com/product/insect-dust-diatomaceous-earth
I'm due to change bedding in the coop/run, which isn't really too dirty yet, but since I hadn't addressed the mite issue before putting them in their new coop I figure I need to change the shavings.
I actually just tried spraying them today with some Gordon's Permethrin I got at TSC mixed 10ml per half gallon of water. It was hard spraying them in the day time, but I know I got most all of them on their backs because I could see them fluffing their feathers to dry. I fairly certain I got the vent areas sprayed on the 3 with the issues.
I know it's best to spray while on the roost, but my birds, full grown by the way and waiting on eggs, are not roosting at night. They are getting into a corner where there's an old dog kennel box over their heads. I need to block that area off and raise their roosting bar up higher and give them a ramp to it so they will use it. Then I can try spraying them at night.
I think it's the two leghorns that I have that are doing most of the pecking and I hope I don't have to get rid of them.
I also think some of the pecking will go away when we start letting them out in the yard...which will help when cleaning the coop/run.
We have a mixed flock of 17 birds total...16 hens. It seems that I have 1 buff brahma hen and my buff brahma rooster that are a little bare and a golden laced Wyandotte that's really bare. A spot about the size of a .50cent piece around the vent.
Nearly two weeks ago I put in the pen a large tub filled 1/4 way with peet moss with some DE mixed into it. The birds have been using it really well though I'm just not sure all are getting in to take a dust bath. Here's the DE I used... http://stgabrielorganics.com/product/insect-dust-diatomaceous-earth
I'm due to change bedding in the coop/run, which isn't really too dirty yet, but since I hadn't addressed the mite issue before putting them in their new coop I figure I need to change the shavings.
I actually just tried spraying them today with some Gordon's Permethrin I got at TSC mixed 10ml per half gallon of water. It was hard spraying them in the day time, but I know I got most all of them on their backs because I could see them fluffing their feathers to dry. I fairly certain I got the vent areas sprayed on the 3 with the issues.
I know it's best to spray while on the roost, but my birds, full grown by the way and waiting on eggs, are not roosting at night. They are getting into a corner where there's an old dog kennel box over their heads. I need to block that area off and raise their roosting bar up higher and give them a ramp to it so they will use it. Then I can try spraying them at night.
I think it's the two leghorns that I have that are doing most of the pecking and I hope I don't have to get rid of them.
I also think some of the pecking will go away when we start letting them out in the yard...which will help when cleaning the coop/run.