Few days old chick - Barred Rock or Cuckoo Marans?


Apr 25, 2021
My hubby found this sweet chick abandoned on his walk yesterday. Brought it home (and it's currently the perfect friend to the orphaned duckling that made it's way into our yard a few days ago - the joys of living in the country!). I'm just trying to figure out the likely breed. My first thought was Barred Rock, but then my son noticed the very slight feathering on the feet. So now I'm thinking maybe a Cuckoo Marans. Any thoughts? We don't have either in our flock currently, so either would be nice to add to our flock, especially if it ends up being a hen!
My hubby found this sweet chick abandoned on his walk yesterday. Brought it home (and it's currently the perfect friend to the orphaned duckling that made it's way into our yard a few days ago - the joys of living in the country!). I'm just trying to figure out the likely breed. My first thought was Barred Rock, but then my son noticed the very slight feathering on the feet. So now I'm thinking maybe a Cuckoo Marans. Any thoughts? We don't have either in our flock currently, so either would be nice to add to our flock, especially if it ends up being a hen! View attachment 3841672View attachment 3841673View attachment 3841674View attachment 3841676
I love the cuddle pic with your child, the duckling & the chick. A unique bond in the making
Omg! It’s so stinking cute. A miracle really that it survived without heat.
It really is?!? It's so tiny! We've raised enough chicks at this point (both broody hen and heat lamp raised) to know this once can't be more than a couple of days old at this point. My husband and I were just trying to figure out what to do with the duckling since it was all by itself (we have 2 other ducklings currently, but they're 2 months old and ducks grow so fast there's no way we could put it in with them) and then this little chick just shows up on his walk! Answer to prayer!
I think you might be right....🙂 It's definitely not a Barred Rock. I believe the white head spot indicates barring.
Thanks - just out of curiousity, what makes it definitely not a Barred Rock? The feathered legs? The little yellow spots by the eyes look like most of the pics of Barred Rock chicks I've seen. But I don't have experience with this breed, so wasn't sure. Love learning new chicken info!
My first thought was Barred Rock, but then my son noticed the very slight feathering on the feet. So now I'm thinking maybe a Cuckoo Marans. Any thoughts?
Cross or hybrid.. rocks have yellow skin while Marans have white.. and you've already noted Rock don't get feathered legs. They're not feathered enough to be brahma or Cochin

I can't make out the comb.. doesn't look straight from what I can see.

That large of head spot.. is usually indicative of boy. But I literally know nothing.. so here's to hoping for a pullet!

Crazy adventure story and cute babies! 🥰

ETA: Doninique also don't have featehred legs.
Cross or hybrid.. rocks have yellow skin while Marans have white.. and you've already noted Rock don't get feathered legs. They're not feathered enough to be brahma or Cochin

I can't make out the comb.. doesn't look straight from what I can see.

That large of head spot.. is usually indicative of boy. But I literally know nothing.. so here's to hoping for a pullet!

Crazy adventure story and cute babies! 🥰

ETA: Doninique also don't have featehred legs.
Yeah, probably a cross of some sort. I'm sure it was someone's backyard mix. So curious to see what it grows up as! Just glad it's not a BSL (which I what I originally thought), because then it's definitely a cockerel. But yes, from what I've read, that large of a head spot doesn't look too promising for us. But at least I can hope for now. Ha!
Thanks - just out of curiousity, what makes it definitely not a Barred Rock? The feathered legs? The little yellow spots by the eyes look like most of the pics of Barred Rock chicks I've seen. But I don't have experience with this breed, so wasn't sure. Love learning new chicken info!
Yes, Barred Rocks don’t have feathered legs so it can’t be that. At least not purebred. It could be a cross though.

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