Fewer and fewer eggs!


Feb 5, 2015
I have a small flock of 11 - 2yr old Buff Orpington's hens. None are broody, none are molting and no change in feed. I supplement with layer pellets and they free range all day. They laid great last year and slacked off during the winter (as expected). I have only been getting 2-3 eggs/ daily since the winter. The temps are still very mild here in central Texas. I haven't seen any signs of snakes or predators and all the girls look healthy. Could they be coming to the end of they're "laying life cycle"? So soon? Is this typical of this breed?
I have a small flock of 11 - 2yr old Buff Orpington's hens. None are broody, none are molting and no change in feed. I supplement with layer pellets and they free range all day. They laid great last year and slacked off during the winter (as expected). I have only been getting 2-3 eggs/ daily since the winter. The temps are still very mild here in central Texas. I haven't seen any signs of snakes or predators and all the girls look healthy. Could they be coming to the end of they're "laying life cycle"? So soon? Is this typical of this breed?

First thing I notice is you mention that they free-range. Have you fully hunted for any rogue nests? As to predators - for egg thieving predators the first sign is usually a perceived drop in egg production. If your birds are free ranging and would be expected to return to the nest box to lay, that would imply that the location of those nest boxes is also open to any passing creature with a taste for eggs all day as well, there wouldn't really be any "sign" they had been there since they would not have to break in to take your eggs.
Guess I will start with penning them in the coop w/ large run for a few weeks to see if anything changes and beef up my predator proofing! Thanks for the insight!

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