FF - to reuse or not reuse


Mar 22, 2022
We've been fermenting for about two weeks for our chicks. We ferment in the garage so its hot and goes quickly.

My question is, does everyone reuse their water and leftovers of food (we don't have the fees amount down just yet, I've read a ¼C dry per bird?) for the next batch? I have been but hubby was questioning that today so now I'm wondering if it should be switched out every so often?

Thank you!
Because your feed is fermenting quickly due to heat, you might need to play it by ear. It should be safe to backslop over any existing feed/liquid in the container but you probably want to keep length of ferment and the amount of FF on hand minimal (i.e. instead of waiting for 3 days and making enough for 3 days out, serve it 24 hrs after you make it and only make enough for about 2 days).
Because your feed is fermenting quickly due to heat, you might need to play it by ear. It should be safe to backslop over any existing feed/liquid in the container but you probably want to keep length of ferment and the amount of FF on hand minimal (i.e. instead of waiting for 3 days and making enough for 3 days out, serve it 24 hrs after you make it and only make enough for about 2 days).
Thanks! We had had three buckets and then I realized how quickly it was fermenting and we went down to 2. I was going to go down to one but we will shortly have one for the mear birds and one for our layers so they'll still be used daily.

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