Fight of the Foxes RP

~A fleeting flash of silver shot through the dense bracken. Was it a stray moonbeam, cast down from the night sky? Impossible, because it was broad daylight.
Frost, the formidable vixen, was on the hunt.
She slunk through the dense brambles and vines as though she were invisible and therefore penetrable.~
~A fleeting flash of silver shot through the dense bracken. Was it a stray moonbeam, cast down from the night sky? Impossible, because it was broad daylight.
Frost, the formidable vixen, was on the hunt.
She slunk through the dense brambles and vines as though she were invisible and therefore penetrable.~
Obsidian greeted his tribe, as custom, every morning.
~A fleeting flash of silver shot through the dense bracken. Was it a stray moonbeam, cast down from the night sky? Impossible, because it was broad daylight.
Frost, the formidable vixen, was on the hunt.
She slunk through the dense brambles and vines as though she were invisible and therefore penetrable.~
Obsidian greeted his tribe, as custom, every morning.

~After a quick leap and death screech, Frost forged her way out of the dense brambles, clutching a massive rabbit in her immense fangs. Bloodied saliva slid down onto the forest floor and blood lust surged through her pulsing veins like a wild fire. Her black eyes gleaned with a hunter's malevolence as she settled down with surprising daintity. She clicked her infallible jaws together once and dove into the rabbit's flesh.~
~After a quick leap and death screech, Frost forged her way out of the dense brambles, clutching a massive rabbit in her immense fangs. Bloodied saliva slid down onto the forest floor and blood lust surged through her pulsing veins like a wild fire. Her black eyes gleaned with a hunter's malevolence as she settled down with surprising daintity. She clicked her infallible jaws together once and dove into the rabbit's flesh.~
Obsidian heard his beloved mate's death screech. Oh, how wonderful it sounded, how appealing it was to his soul, how it made his fur tingle with nticipatiom. Propelled by a sudden force, he set out into the woods to find his truth less mate whom he adored so much.
~After a quick leap and death screech, Frost forged her way out of the dense brambles, clutching a massive rabbit in her immense fangs. Bloodied saliva slid down onto the forest floor and blood lust surged through her pulsing veins like a wild fire. Her black eyes gleaned with a hunter's malevolence as she settled down with surprising daintity. She clicked her infallible jaws together once and dove into the rabbit's flesh.~
Obsidian heard his beloved mate's death screech. Oh, how wonderful it sounded, how appealing it was to his soul, how it made his fur tingle with nticipatiom. Propelled by a sudden force, he set out into the woods to find his truth less mate whom he adored so much.

~Frost's keen ears, sharpened by many moons of immense practice, swiveled wildly and she backed away from her kill as the distinctive scent of Obsidian floated up to her. She dipped her head as he approached, not ashamed in the least that he had caught her in the midst of such a manner-less meal.~
~Frost's keen ears, sharpened by many moons of immense practice, swiveled wildly and she backed away from her kill as the distinctive scent of Obsidian floated up to her. She dipped her head as he approached, not ashamed in the least that he had caught her in the midst of such a manner-less meal.~
Obsidian can up to her, and asked "How is your morning, my beautiful ghost?" He paid no attention to the blood on her muzzle, he found it beautiful.
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~Frost's keen ears, sharpened by many moons of immense practice, swiveled wildly and she backed away from her kill as the distinctive scent of Obsidian floated up to her. She dipped her head as he approached, not ashamed in the least that he had caught her in the midst of such a manner-less meal.~
Obsidian can up to her, and asked "How is your morning, my beautiful ghost?" He paid no attention to the blood on her muzzle, he found it beautiful.

~Frost's blood-adorned teeth twitched into a slow grin. "I'm amazing- you know how I get when I kill," she snarled cooly, affectionately nipping his ear. "And how is my malevolent demon today?"~
Name: Nightmare
Age(in months):20 moons
Gender: Male
Tribe: Midnight
Appearance: Extremely attractive massive pitch black fox with a silver mask on his face and three silver rings on all his ankles and tail tip. He has intimidating flaming red eyes.
Personality: He's Quiet and likes to keep to him self, he can be grumpy and a down right nightmare but he can also be a good and loyal friend.
Rank: Darkness XIlith
Crush/mate: Sage?

(He hasn't been accepted yet)

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