fighting between the Rooster and my hens


Nov 23, 2016
I am haveing trouble with my hens beating up my poor rooster. What do I do? He is younger tgan the hens and I do have one bew hen. Would that mean anything.
Hi and welcome to BYC - glad that you have joined us. It's perfectly normal for adult hens to put a cockerel in his place - they don't take too kindly to little punks
As long as there is no blood being drawn, its perfectly fine - all part of his growing up experience, and should hopefully help teach him some manners. Chicken society can seem rather brutal, at times.

More generally, you'll find lots of info and if you have a specific topic in mind, just type it in the search box - there's a wealth of information on past and present threads.

You may wish to consider joining your state thread as it will put you in touch with other BYC members in your area -

All the best
G’Day from down under robertamtaylor

I have no experience with roosters, not being allowed to have any in our zone but I just wanted to say that I hope you enjoy BYC; not only is it overflowing with lots of useful information it is also a great place to make friends and have some fun. Unlike non chicken loving friends, family and colleagues, BYC’ers never tire of stories or pictures about chickens, turkeys, duck, quail, Peas and pretty much any other feathered and non feathered friends
Once a rooster gets confidence the hens will change their attitude towards him - unless he matures into being a total jerk.

Good luck to you with your flock and thanks for joining us!
Hello from Kansas and :welcome! Great to have you in our flock! Agree with Diva...once the the tables turn - and they will - the hens will likely become submissive to the rooster. Best wishes and thanks for joining us! Best wishes! :)
My hens can be brutal toward timid roosters and I found the best thing to do (if the rooster is bloody and battered) is to remove the rooster from the flock allow him time to mature and then return him to the flock.

Occasionally you will find a rooster who just won't defend himself when dealing with hens. In this case I put the rooster in with one or two hens. This guy, despite his massive size, was pecked and stripped of his brilliant plumage. So I put him in the bachelor pen with the other roosters where he ruled the roost. Eventually, I put him with three hens where he thrived. I liked this rooster as his hens never had bald backs from-over mating. Yet his fertility was 90 % so he was doing something right!

He had no problem putting the guys in place.

He did great with his three hens. They were timid and he was not aggressive.

Sometimes you have to work to find the right match.

Hope this helps.

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