fighting raccoons

No, the people are crazy!!! I think that raccoon coats should come back in style.
They are a pest and a major threat to our chickens, and my dog just killed a young one tonight, but I've gotta admit - they still fascinate me. They are highly intelligent and amusing (when they're not on MY property!).
Incredible video...gee, a couple of guys wearing ninja masks and carrying unplugged 12-gauges with #4 shot standing off at a distance could have made for a nice surprise ending!!!

Did he say "Here, hold my beer" before he started feeding those coons? Dude is going to be in a world of hurt when one of them gets rabies.

Got my aerobic exercise this morning, hiked juvenile chuck #3 to the edge of the property. Game cam showed it at the trap in the barn about 8:20 last night. Since they haven't yet reopened the big tunnels, and because I don't need a decaying coon outside the barn, it got a ride in a 5 gallon bucket just into the woods and dropped behind a dead (down) tree.

Somewhere I read that woodchucks don't care much for used cat litter. We have 3 indoor cats so plenty of stinky scoopable litter. I emptied a bag into the tunnel before I covered it back up. May help, may not. I'm not sure where the tunnels connect, there were 2 not 4' from each other coming up into the barn alley so they may connect fairly close and MAYBE the stink will get down to the junction.
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