Fill the Box Four S Exchange Signups Closed SWAPPER NAMES SENT PM

This swap has exploded today and I'm tickled to death!!!!

I'm in. I love this idea!!!

1. Do you like to garden? What is your growing zone? Yes-5

2. Would you like to receive hatching eggs if your swapper wants to include them? IF YES, PLEASE CLARIFY TYPE OF EGGS (chicken, quail, duck, etc).-No thanks, I'm on the wagon.

3. Vegetables, flowers or both? (something to plant? Cut flowers or canned goodies, jams, pickles?) Yes, Yes.

4. Plant starts, seeds, bulbs or any or none? Yes, Yes, Yes.

5. Your favorite colors are? All of them.

6. Are you a beach lover or land lover? Both.

7. What does Spring and Summer mean to you? Gardening!!!!
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I want in.....

1. Do you like to garden? What is your growing zone? I LOVE to garden, but unable to plant alot of things like I used to do because to my bad back. Zone 9

2. Would you like to receive hatching eggs if your swapper wants to include them? IF YES, PLEASE CLARIFY TYPE OF EGGS (chicken, quail, duck, etc). Yes chicken, turkey or geese only please

3. Vegetables, flowers or both? Both (something to plant? Cut flowers or canned goodies, jams, pickles?) Yes anything is ok . would love to try heritage vegetables in my garden

4. Plant starts, seeds, bulbs or any or none? any is fine

5. Your favorite colors are? cools.... especially blues, greens, yellow, pinks. I collect chickens and poultry is light sage/celery green walls and chickens stuff.

6. Are you a beach lover or land lover? I live 15 min from the beach but really love the country and mountains in the fall.

7. What does Spring and Summer mean to you. It means digging in the dirt, getting the garden ready and planted, putting vegetables/fruits in the freezer or canning them, blooming flowers, fresh beginnings, baby animals, longer days, HOT SUMMER DAYS, air conditioning, shorts, picnics, family fun, planting and smelling fresh flowers, seeing my favorite colors, family and friend having a BBQ
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Hi could someone please tell me which box we are supposed to use from the
I am lost. They have a only a few sizes and they seem small. 12x12x5? I might have some in the barn. Sorry was thinking out loud there.
I buy wreath boxes for my business and used envelopes for the doilies.
If you get my name, You can always use a refrigerator box for my stuff! hehehe

You pay the shipping......
I'm in too sounds like fun.
1. Do you like to garden? yes What is your growing zone?5

2. Would you like to receive hatching eggs if your swapper wants to include them? IF YES, PLEASE CLARIFY TYPE OF EGGS (chicken, quail, duck, etc).I would like chicken, ducks or turkey eggs

3. Vegetables, flowers or both? (something to plant? Cut flowers or canned goodies, jams, pickles?) any

4. Plant starts, seeds, bulbs or any or none?bulbs

5. Your favorite colors are?lilac, green, blue

6. Are you a beach lover or land lover?land

7. What does Spring and Summer mean to you?Fresh beginning, new chicks! Starting my garden, getting a tan, riding my horses.
summer means fishing,cooking out on grill, corn on the cob, canning my veggies I planted and hot, hot, hot!

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