Fill the Box Four S Exchange Signups Closed SWAPPER NAMES SENT PM

Signups close on March 15. I will draw names to match up swappers. Once signups close, I will ask for shipping addresses to be PMd to me at that time.

Don't worry about your "issues", Ma....many of us have issues. That's what makes us all who we are ;-)
It could be a lot worse and it's not too bad most of the time. Really I am blessed for everything life has giving me. We all suffer some sort of hardship at some point. It makes us stronger.

I am so looking forward to this swap. I am a little reluctant to send any homemade food or scented stuff. What if someone has an allergies. I make a mean no bake cookies. Oh they are good. I made some yesterday. Just so you all know I have "no" food or scent allergies. I will eat just about anything eatable.
I love handmade soap which I did not mention in my post. I bought some from a member here on byc and really like it. I hope a few other members join up. I am sure if told my crochet forum about it most would join up. I think it would be too many. I really like you do this for us. It's a very nice thing to do. Thank you.
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It could be a lot worse and it's not too bad most of the time. Really I am blessed for everything life has giving me. We all suffer some sort of hardship at some point. It makes us stronger.

I am so looking forward to this swap. I am a little reluctant to send any homemade food or scented stuff. What if someone has an allergies. I make a mean no bake cookies. Oh they are good. I made some yesterday. Just so you all know I have "no" food or scent allergies. I will eat just about anything eatable.
I love handmade soap which I did not mention in my post. I bought some from a member here on byc and really like it. I hope a few other members join up. I am sure if told my crochet forum about it most would join up. I think it would be too many. I really like you do this for us. It's a very nice thing to do. Thank you.


I would say if you have some sort of allergy please make sure amy knows about it so she can add it to the person's info.
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I haven't joined a swap yet, but I'll give this a shot.

1. Do you like to garden? What is your growing zone? Love gardening, especially veggies. I always have bigger intentions than what I can get done. Zone 5b to 6a.

2. Would you like to receive hatching eggs if your swapper wants to include them? IF YES, PLEASE CLARIFY TYPE OF EGGS (chicken, quail, duck, etc). I don't have an incubator but I can borrow one and give it a try. I should probably stick to chickens.

3. Vegetables, flowers or both? (something to plant? Cut flowers or canned goodies, jams, pickles?) Sure! No allergies here.

4. Plant starts, seeds, bulbs or any or none? Any of them.

5. Your favorite colors are? Blue and green.

6. Are you a beach lover or land lover? Land mostly

7. What does Spring and Summer mean to you? Life and beauty. The start of gardening season. Longer, warmer days. Time outside in the sun enjoying creation.

Ma_Kettle: I love your rooster quilt block. I quilt, but really haven't finished a project yet.
If I am willing to pay the extra shipping charge for 2 very large boxes to be shipped, can I send my kids as 2 of the homemade gifts....

My youngest(she's 7) just tried to make mac and cheese, well she has proceeded to completely spill the pot of water with the noodles in it all over the kitchen floor....

The oldest(she's 13) is running around like a freak clothes on backwards, inside out, wrong sizes, etc. etc.---spirit week at school for the girls basketball game....
I promise the person whose name I get will have endless hours of
with the girls....They never seem to have a dull moment...

(just kidding--so no one thinks I am serious)....

BUT.....when I was younger all of my cousins drew names for Christmas...The gift had to be homemade....
Well I got a puppy
...Cant' really get anymore homemade than that....
Only if you take my kids and the dog. My lovely three year old DD just anounced that she wants to be a "co-oh-de"(coyote) when shegrows up. Now she runs through the house howling.
Hate to see you go, Ma, but I understand. I have taken your name off the list. I will do another of these for Fall/Winter, so maybe you can jump in at that time.

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