Fill the Box Four S Exchange Signups Closed SWAPPER NAMES SENT PM

I'm so glad everyone is so excited
Got my swap partner too...and, I went to bingo tonight, won $100.00 IM GOING SHOPPING tomorrow. Wheeeeeeeeeeee!!!! Now I need to go look up my partner, and see what they posted as wants! LOL
Im not that creative, so I hope the person who I have isnt disappointed when the get their box.
I have already gotten a few things that I thought whoever I got would like. Nows the fun part to try and figure out what else to get. I already know what Im gonna do for one homemade gift, but for the other one..Im sorta lost.

Any ideas?
Wheeeee! I'm starting some projects... Trying a new hobby - hope the product is good enough to go in the box!
I LOVE SPRING! Put some tomatoes in the ground today, even though it is a gamble this early.
OK, I've had 2 questions brought up via PM.

1. Some swappers would like to include things for the family members/kiddos. Swappers, please post to the thread your family situation (married, single, kids and ages, no kids, etc)

2. Box size seems to be an issue. The box I stated in the guidelines is the squarish "medium" size Flat rate priority box. If need be, you are free to use a larger box OR even the flat "shirt" size Medium flat rate priority box. Please, just nothing smaller.

Any questions...just ask ;-)
I am married to a wonderful, chicken/farm supporting hubby. I have 1 grown dd (katiebelle on BYC) and an 8yo dd (tomboy lol) and a 4.5 yo autistic son.

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