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I am so sorry I have not sent mine out yet. I was able to get in a last minute Master Composter Class so Ive been tied up with that. I get off work and since its an hour drive I have to head straight there after work. I dont get home until 10pm, and then have to get up at 4:30 in the morning to head back to work. But I promise my box will go out before the 30th. I hope to send it out first thing Monday morning, but no later than Tuesday.
My box is almost ready to go. Sorry to keep you waiting... I've just got incredibly busy with 2 new PT jobs in the last 2 weeks... that's a good thing, but boy, does it make me tired lately. Just need to finish up the handmade items and off it will go!
I just checked and the USPS tracking site says that my partner got her swap box! I hope she posts so I know what she thought of her things
No one is late, yet. Don't fret. As long as the boxes are postmarked by the 30th, you're not late.

Mine is almost complete...just a couple of more things to "top it off".

Glad everyone is having fun with the swap.
I will let you all know ahead that if the weather is bad or my DH needs the car ,the box wont ship until the 2nd or 3rd. We only have a car and a Harley and if it rains or he has to be at work real early he takes the car.
I am leaving town and will not be online at all if I can help it! I am stepping away for a well needed trip off the grid for a while... I just did not want the person who sent my box to think I was ungrateful by not responding when it came

I do have someone housesitting so it will be picked up ..I just will not be back and able to show gratitude for a while

thanks so much for this whole effort it was quite fun to send and see the responses and pictures of what folks recieved!

take care

Well I should have mailed my box out on Monday like I said....But I didn't....
I am so mad right now....
Had to take Emma to the doctor and when I got home...Guess what....

My dog ATE the box...Not just one little corner on the box either... He ate the whole thing....items that were in it, the box, even NON FOOD ITEMS.....It's a complete mess...I was able to save one or two things in it, so now it's off to the store I go....Gonna have to shop tonight and mail it first thing in the morning...It'll still have the April 30th post date on it though....

Sorry for how ever gets my package---nothing like waiting til the last minute....
Maybe if I get a big enough box I will mail the dog too....

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