Filling the incubator 6-3-2011 Join me for my 1st attempt?

So sorry that you lost some of your babies. I lost 4 of mine that made it to lockdown for the very same reason. The chicks were creating havoc in the incubator so I pulled them out very quickly but I think in the process I shrinkwrapped the rest of the eggs. Lesson learned will be much more careful next time.
Congrats on your baby
Hey Stitch, it's cool that at least you got some of each of the breeds you wanted, even if you did have some problems! Little chipmunk chick is too cute for words!
I have a pip and a chirp! He's kind of quiet now so I hope he's just resting
The others haven't done anything yet!
Just trying to stay calm. Man this is WAY more stressful than I thought it was going to be. I don't know that I'll use this bator again. I've been lucky enough to have friends lend me three types and the LG is far too finicky! It's at a pretty constant temp now but it's hard to keep the humidity levels constant. I also have two Hova 1588s running for my next two batches. I prefer them far more.

Anyway....I'm off to go
and see if this little fuzz is zipping....
Chick number two is out!

I did what I SWORE I would not do when I started this (after reading thread after thread on hatching -- both stories of success and heartbreak). I helped this chick.

It had been pipped for 36 hours and was still trying, but just wasn't making progress. It had opened up a good sized whole in the shell, big enough to stick the eraser end of a pencil into, plus some. But it wasn't zipping. It was just chipping around the whole making it a tiny bit bigger.

So I finally gave in and helped. I think it's a good thing I did. The shell was very thick and hard. I had trouble breaking it even with tweazers (I had the whole thing wrapped in a warm, moist towel).

The good news is, there was absolutely no blood and the yolk already seemed to have been absorbed. He/she/it is now back in the bator and on its feet! Looks lively and is moving around just fine.

Since none of my other eggs have pipped, and I was lightning-fast scooping up the egg, I don't think I hurt anything by opening the bator.

Now to see if any of my Marans are going to hatch. I'm still hopeful, since I won't actually be on day 21 until noon today.
i have had 5/17 hatch so far. lost one to a large umbilical hernia so only 4 survivors. i am nervous about one other egg right now. it has a pencil eraser sized piece of shell gone but the membrane is still intact. there is zipping around 1/4 of the shell but the cracks seem a little bloody. hopefully the little thing is just resting inside and gathering strength.
I can't take it anymore!!!!! I have to leave the house. I keep running upstairs and staring at that little pip and putting my head to the window to see if I can hear peeping! It's driving me a little crazy!!!!

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