Filling the incubator 6-3-2011 Join me for my 1st attempt?

I hear chirping!!
Whew! We had a bunch of pips last night (six) plus one that pipped the day before and was a little bloody. This afternoon things have finally gotten moving in there. Three chicks are out: a bantam cochin cross who shot out of his egg like a rocket, and two EE, including the one that was bloody (seems to be OK). Of the remaining eggs, there are four pips. While there are still thirteen eggs that aren't doing anything at all, the clustering of pips and hatchings this time around is much better than it was last time.

Stitch81, that's a good question about how to tell how frequently the air volume exchanges. I can't think of a good way to test that, though. I think your idea of switching to a PC fan is a good one. The other thing you could do is to create a really good seal on the incubator lid, except for a few ventilation holes that you can control. That would make it easier to modify air exchange until you find the balance that works best.
well i have 6 chicks in the shells i got worried so i expanded the pip holes they made i lost another one that had made a zip line today i didnt even notice until a few mins ago thats the 4th one i have lost after it made a zip line this is the first time this has ever happened well if the 6 arent hatched by sunday i think im going to have to bust them out i worry for them being in the shell this long cause i thought i read somewhere after being in the shell for 3 days they have to come out because they will have absorbed all the egg yolk and will start getting weak from lack of food they were due to hatch 22 and 23 so Sunday will be day 24 and 25 for them if they are still alive
Your humidity looks really high.. what's it running? everyone coming out ok? no sticky chicks? you can slightly open a vent to let a little moisture out. When they hatch the humidity jumps up super high!!
Your humidity looks really high.. what's it running? everyone coming out ok? no sticky chicks? you can slightly open a vent to let a little moisture out. When they hatch the humidity jumps up super high!!

Yeah I pulled the plugs out. Wasnt that high when I left but well I guess hatching changes the equation.
i am having a very educational hatch. lost two so far - one to umbilical hernia, one pipped and partly zipped then died in the shell. not shrink wrapped so idk what happened. little guy was fully formed though. now i am helping two others hatch because i didn't want any more to die waiting. they are coming aout a bit sticky, i guess because it was so long between pip and hatch (24 hrs or so). we will see if they survive.
She's here!! My little Orp hatched with a little help. She was a bit sticky and had membrane stuck on her. I'll get pics up in the morning when she's drier
she will be lonely until the EEs start hatching in a week or so.
It's still day 19 for me and I already have 3 pips!
Glad I got the brooder ready today. Now I'm afraid some might hatch tonight, and I won't be able to tell which breed is which.
The ones that have pipped so far are an EE, an RIR, and an Ancona. Can anyone tell me what color chicks this will produce?

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