Filling the incubator 6-3-2011 Join me for my 1st attempt?

It's a gamble with EEs, they usually will have muffs/beards, though. The RIR should be a yellowy red-orange-brown color, similar to the red it will be when it matures. Ancona's have a distinct black and yellow with a "V" point on their head where the colors meet. You could always post pictures if you're confused. Also just see which eggs are empty.
Wow, this time around my hatching eggs are showing a much better clustering as far as time. In my last hatch, I got a chick or two a day for four days, starting on day 24, and three of them emerged with problems. This time we're at day 22, still a little late, but 7 are out and one is pipping. The 13 other eggs are just sitting there staring at me, but I'm happy that this hatch has been so much better than last time. No chicks with funky legs or mental dullness this time, either. Thank goodness! Maybe I can learn how to use this incubator after all.
So far I have had 3 hatch, 2 are zipping now, and one died while trying to zip out. I want to grab it outta there, but am afraid to open the incubator right now...have some pips in other eggs as well. Very slow hatch this time....
Day 21 and came home to three chicks. Had a good pip going on but by the time I woke up around noon from working nightshift it was dead. It was not shrinkwrapped or too moist so just wondering if it just quit. I still see occasional movement in my remaining eggs. I will keep them in bator til tommorow unless I see more pips. The buff ameraucanas I do have are fat and very pretty, but little disappointed hoping for better hatch.
alright well im burying the non pipped eggs and one that i know for sure is going to die and clean it out cause i have to go into lockdown again monday im sorry for everyones losses and happy for everyone who had healthy hatchlings and goodluck on your next and future hatches
i am on day 22 and i don't think i will pull the plug for at least two more days. will you really give up tomorrow?

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