Finally became a member!


This is one of 2 that have a beautiful mane, I have named them Hans and Frans

Welcome! I'd like to see pictures of the Lion's-mane rooster.
He is a beautiful bird and I’ve never heard of his breed.
Welcome to BYC. :frow

I had never heard of them either, I just anwsered an ad from a lady looking to get rid of her agressive rooster. I needed someone with a bit of spunk as my ladies had killed the last rooster, so he fit the bill perfectly!

Took him a bit to settle in but he mostly calm now
It's ABOUT TIME you finally showed up!!! @BantyChooks has been waiting to say EH to somebody new!!! :D


Glad you're here !

A must have for your poultry is a FIRST AID KIT for any issues that would arise. (
It's definitely better to have it and not need it rather than need it and not have it.

Also, make sure your coop(s) have a proper amount of VENTILATION. ( Your chickens will absolutely thank you for it!

One last thing, if you're into gardening, feel free to join this years SEED SWAP (
It's ABOUT TIME you finally showed up!!! @BantyChooks has been waiting to say EH to somebody new!!! :D


Glad you're here !

A must have for your poultry is a FIRST AID KIT for any issues that would arise. (
It's definitely better to have it and not need it rather than need it and not have it.

Also, make sure your coop(s) have a proper amount of VENTILATION. ( Your chickens will absolutely thank you for it!

One last thing, if you're into gardening, feel free to join this years SEED SWAP (

Thanks for the welcome!

First Aid Kit- I am a fairly competent in the art of at home chicken doctoring so I have a pretty extensive collection of items in my kit but I am always curious as to what others consider necessity

Ventilation- my ventilation is now top notch after a super cold winter and a touch of chicken

Seed Exchange-Love this idea but have no idea about sending seeds across the border, will have to do a more thorough read to see if there are any Canucks on there!

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