Finally caught the culprit

Oh wow...I am in Orange Cty NC and didnt realize we had them...he sure is pretty...reminds me of my ferret but I surely dont want it after my birds!!!!! How was it getting your birds, were they free ranging or was he getting in the coop? Just want to make sure my coop is secure enough!!!

Hes going through chain link
I relocated him and re set the trap most likely there are more since I am near a creek. I'll post more pictures if I catch more. Thanks for all the replies.

I hope that you went 30 or miles. Members of the weasel family have extensive home ranges and incredible homing instincts. If he returns he will most likely be trap shy/smart.
Well great I relocated him at the river so he will be happy than...:)

If its a juvenile recently kicked away from the family hunting grounds, then that's why he went after your chickens... relocating him made him happiest, and he will probably just find himself somewhere new to habitat. They are very playful animals, and don't usually go after large prey unless they see no other option. They do prefer frogs, minnows, and the like.
You did a great thing by not killing him. If he comes back, call your local DNR and they will relocate him for you.
FYI: weasel, ermine, stoat are all the same animal depending on color phase and country you're in--although there are actually three species--least, short-tailed and long-tailed. Generally the long-tailed weasel is called an ermine, especially when it in its white, winter phase but it is a weasel. Across the "Pond" they are called stoats, especially when in brown, summer phase.

Thus endth my lesson for today.
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Sorry you assumed that. No, I wouldn't harm it Just not happy I lost $500 in Mandarin ducks and chickens he killed....:( It has to eat and survive just doing its natural survival. looks like I'm going to put tin sheathing all around my duck pens now.
Valley Quail breeder, I believe you have caught (and released) a Fisher. It is a member of the weasel family. Most people call them Fisher Cats, but the correct term is just Fisher. They added the Cat to the name because it eats domesticated cats as well as chickens/ducks. From what I understand about them, they were sent here from another country because they were the only animal that could kill and eat a porcupine. Our porcupine population was out of control, but the Fisher found easier prey with the cats so they hunted them.

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