Finally got my first green egg but it's a little bloody is that ok?


10 Years
Jul 30, 2009
Wellington KY
So I have been waiting for my EE hen Dottie to lay her first egg. She has been really noisy and going to and from the nest boxes so I knew it was about time. I just went out to check on her again and Yay there it was a pretty little green egg, but it had a little bit of blood smeared on the outside of it. I picked her up and checked her bottom and everything looks ok.
Is that normal to have a little blood on her first egg? Should I be worried about her?
Three of my other girls are laying and they aren't having any problems.
Thanks for any help.
Billie Jo
it is normal...all that stretching and such can tear stuff. It happens...even will happen to an older hen on occasion
Thanks MamaKate that's very reassuring to know.
I also got my first egg from one of my Easter Eggers today!!! It was a green one, not quite olive but on that order. I was so shocked. She layed it in the run on the frozen ground. Hope she gets the idea to go in the coop and even better to get in one of the nestboxes.

CONGRATS to you GoatMom! It is exciting!

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