Finally have my homebuilt Incubator up and running

19 chicks as of this morning. All but 4 have pipped from this set of 35. I'll post a video or picture soon.

Very early this morning I opened the hatcher to add water and do a little quick housekeeping and one of the chicks kicked out an egg that had not pipped. It fell 3 feet to the floor and shattered. I carefully picked it up and set it back in the hatcher and about 3 hours later it shed what was left of its shell and went to moving around. It still had a small yolk sack that has since been absorbed and the chick looks healthy. I may have to name that one "Crash".

Video of my first hatch. There 26 new peeps in the house so far. 9 to go from this set, We will be moving the second set into the hatcher this afternoon.
Don't have an official count yet but it looks like I have over 60 chicks from this hatch. Had to assist 4 that had position issues. Lost one that I waited to long to assist, and 3 that were rescued using knowledge gleaned from BYC - THANKS. There are still 5 eggs that haven't pipped, I guessing they are DOA. Overall I feel like it has been a very successful first time hatch, and has been an excellent experience for the the family. I still have 10 eggs in the incubator that will be ready in a few more days.
Don't have an official count yet but it looks like I have over 60 chicks from this hatch. Had to assist 4 that had position issues. Lost one that I waited to long to assist, and 3 that were rescued using knowledge gleaned from BYC - THANKS. There are still 5 eggs that haven't pipped, I guessing they are DOA. Overall I feel like it has been a very successful first time hatch, and has been an excellent experience for the the family. I still have 10 eggs in the incubator that will be ready in a few more days.
That sounds like a great first time hatch.
I agree it is a great family experience. Myself and my youngest daughter spent the whole hatching time glued to the window of the incubator until we couldn't stay awake any longer.
Congrats on all your new little peeps!
Well, I'm in the final stages of the last set from this hatch. It has been a busy week and ten of the chicks have already found new homes. My kids installed branches for the chicks to roost on and they have taken to them already. Not even a week old and they are flying up and roosting! My store bought chicks did not roost until they were between 8-12 weeks old.

I have four more eggs to go, two of them are close to zipping and one has not pipped yet but there is movement in the egg.
Well I lost one of the four remaining chicks, one never pipped even though I could hear it for hours trying. an Eggtopsy showed that it was like my others that were mispositioned. Head under foot at the side of the egg and back and neck up where the air cell was. What I have observed through candling is that some of my chicks went through a major growth spurt in the Last couple of days in lock down. I am guessing that it is probably a genetic trait passed on from my Cornish X roosters. 10% of my hatch had this problem. The 2 I did not assist died. This little guy was the last to hatch and required assistance. When I broke the shell out where I previously marked the air cell it was obvious that he was trapped and the egg was completely full of chick. After loosening a little more of the shell from over his head and foot he/she just popped up and gave me a very curious look. You can see how distorted its little head and face is. This chick is now doing great after spending the night in the hatcher and then being put into the brooder with the week old siblings.

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