Finally started my coop!


5 Years
Apr 8, 2018
Western Massachusetts
I made the front and back walls of my chicken coop yesterday, finally! I'm making it a hobbit hole style coop. The floor is 6'x4'. The side with the three circular holes will be the front, a door and two windows for ventilation. The other piece is the back, with the doorway framed for easy cleaning access.


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Question about insulation. We are in Western Mass, so not super extreme temps, but still get a quality New England winter. I was planning on insulating the floor and maybe the roof (not sure how I would do the roof yet since it is curved). I was thinking of using a insulation panel on the floor and saw at home depot that they have some basically 3/4" styrofoam blocks for $8. Or I could shell out $15 for a 1" insulation panel. Or does it matter? I know ventilation is key for the winter especially...

I am not planning on putting electricity in the coop, was maybe going to put a solar light but that wouldn't be a heat source. And I know I'll have to change the water out since it would freeze.

Any thoughts on cheap roofing materials?
Chickens need draft free ventilation in the winter not heat or insulation. Plan on using rubber water bowls and changing them twice a day during the winter if your not going to have electricity.

It'll be off the ground by 1.5-2". The roof will be plywood but I am still figuring out what to cover that with. I'd like to do some sort of recycled materials, am definitely open to suggestions!

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