Finally they hatched!


10 Years
Jul 8, 2009
Western PA
She was sitting on 12 eggs. 4 hatched. You may think that is poor but from what happened its actually a miracle. She sat on them for about 4 days and left the nest about 7 hours each day then i took them and put fake eggs under her and when the first one peeped, i put the turkey eggs back under her. More may hatch, but im so excited! Of the ones i hatched, i had 8/10 of them hatch. xD
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They can scoot out if they wanted to and will over coming days. Momma is probably still trying to hatch any remaining eggs real or imaginary. They will start getting real active and peeping a lot at mom as they get hungry and thirsty. She will eventually listen. Have a little feeder and small waterer close by to make life easy for the hen and the poults. I figure it it is not close enough for her to peck me it is too far away.

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