Finding lost chick!? How can i locate her at this time?


Keeper of tiny dinos
Apr 17, 2019
Today, one of my silkies managed to find a way out of her pen (will be fixing that before they go back in it.) And seems to have been missing for a while. We have hawks and eagles, as well as foxes and other predators and have been searching for a while now with no luck of finding her. She is a bright white chick. Either she went into hiding or became food for some animal while we were working. Hoping the first. How could I try luring her out???
If she’s never been outside her pen, she will recognize the pen as home as that’s where she has spent most her time. With that and the other chicks chirping she should be able to find her way back when she feels it’s time to go to bed.
Sorry I didn't realise it was not a broody mama situation. My suggestion wasn't helpful then.

Did she come back yet?
No such luck unfortunately.
Do you ever give them mealworms from the bag? Mine come running when they hear the bag shake. We've also trained them to come running to the chicken dance song. (I know it doesn't help now, but maybe in the future) Hope you are able to find her!
No, they've never had it. We don't teach our silkies the chicken call because we don't free range them like we do our main flock. Our adults know it because they used to free range, but not our babies unfortunately. Maybe we should still teach it to them. Hope she isn't dead...
Don't give up hope. I have had more than one chicken run away from home and disappear. While I was calling them and bawling my eyes out, two of them had simply decided to spend the night under the deck, behind the lattice. When I started feeding the others, the runaways dashed out for breakfast.

The third was missing at dinner time, and I searched for her on and off until well after dark, calling her name, shaking a scoop of food, yelling, "Chick, chick" until I was hoarse. The next morning, there she was. calming grazing in the neighbor's field. Even then, the stubborn little girl made me hike out to the field and bring her back.

I will keep you and her in my thoughts and try to WILL her back to you!

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