Finding mistakes on Metzers Website=New Sebastopols

I found 3 mistakes, but they said they aren't giving certificates for mistakes anymore!
I was gonna get some sebbies...
hmm, thats odd. Does it still say that they are doing it on there home page? or are they completely switching to the find the duck promotion? Sorry
I think they are just switching to the find the duck thing, but that's okay, because I entered that. I also ordered their catalog, in hopes of going somewhere on their list, to get a certificate.
This also gives me more time to convince my mom to let me get the sebbies.
(Not an easy task!) Have there been any positives with sebbies, that you don't get with ducks?? Might help me explain it!
Did you just enter the april find the duck contest? i just entered about 30 minutes ago. lol

umm, they are a lot friendlier than my ducklings at the moment (course the ducklings are mandarins and want to jump out of the brooder every second of the day....)
I entered for April this morning. Good, cause my ducklings aren't super friendly (And I have pekins), and even though I spend hours with them they run away from me
. Do goslings follow you around? Cause that would be awesome!
I haven't tried yet. there still in the brooder and its been raining/overcast for the past week and a half and i live in a "valley" so they couldn't get out of the barn without sinking in mud.
I had two sebbies once, I got them for $15 each as older goslings at a swap. (I dont think the guy knew what he had....)My mom gave them away for free when I went to college. She later regretted that when she saw how much they go for. I wish I could find a picture of them, they were so pretty with their long curly feathers.

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