Fingers crossed I'll have some hatching in a about 4 days


Jun 12, 2015
Im getting antsy , i have quail eggs which hopefully will start to hatch friday or Saturday then i have some polish-frizzled ameraicaunas , polish-frizzles , and some polish- frizzled silver-laced Wyandottes i have been keeping a eye on temp its staying steady extremely well, and slowly increasing the humidity, its been steady, im just increasing it a little at a time for the quail , im hoping they all turn out, im super excited
Thanks , wow thats awesome, i have 10 conturnix in now though when i was cleaning their pen my male serama roo was out and he mated with a few of my female quails so i dont know if they will a cross breed or full blooded
Oh my goodness greatness great balls of freaking fire all dang day this one quail egg has been wiggling and like a crazy lady I have been running in and out of here watching it and waiting ......and waiting ......and waiting , it really is almost as bad as waiting for a human baby to arrive, my daughter is like uuuhhh mommy I seen it wiggle now only call me in here when it's actually poking out lol
Still nothing but wiggles but just from the one quail egg ugh!!!
your a hatching addict like most of us!! I had to smile reading all your posts!
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running just a little late but i've heard of people getting hatches on day 18, most of mine hatch early day 16 at 99.5° the last batch of shipped eggs were very late day 17.
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