Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

--When your parent's yell at you for having more pictures of your chickens on your iPad than of your family--
This has happened to me a few times.
When you are just short of your sixtieth birthday but still sit cross-legged on the ground whilst hand-feeding treats to your flock... So the shy ones will actually come close enough to eat out of your hand and the bold ones can walk all over you.

Then it takes ten minutes to get up off the ground again.
You know you're addicted to chickens when you have five in the coop, have eight on the way, and are trying to convince your parents to let you incubate some.
yeah! that would make a pretty cool science project.
my chicken, Popcorn, laid her first egg today right in time for passover. We are putting on the sader plate.

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