Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

"You know your addicted to raising backyard chickens ask for more chickens for your birthday AND your DH lets you have them just to keep the peace!!!!

"You know your addicted to raising backyard chickens when...your met your new BFF on BYC and now have some of her chickens!
You know when you're addicted to chickens when you search for the keywords "chicken" "chick" and "hen" on Craigslist every day.
... when you can identify who laid each egg.

...when you call home from work to ask how many eggs have been laid, and what color they are,.. and which nest box they were in...

... when you've shown people at work pictures of your chickens and your eggs,... some of which you normally don't even talk to.

and according to my bff... when you start buying them clothes (I told her I ordered chicken aprons for a couple of my ladies.) her husband asks if I have the blouses for my chickens yet .

when you see pics of other peoples chickens and

when you start planning vacations around who breeds chickens near the place.
One- day vacation... leave early in morning, drive few hours, see sights climb mountains, ect... pick up babies.. drive home

I never really considered a *real* vacation
who would let the chickens out in the morning and count them and lock them up at night?

>>oh and when you say "honey did you lock up the chickens? " and your next question is "did you count them?"

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