Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

When your single hatch chick get abandoned by the momma hen and you are letting it sleep in your bed with ya.....
You try to talk all of your friends into getting chickens so when you visit you dont go through withdrawls.

You only talk to people who also have chickens.

You become a 4-H volunteer just so you can see the chickens.

You know that you dont have a problem with it but know plenty of people that do.

You think "which came first the chicken or the egg?" not as a question but as a win-win situation.
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When you fall asleep with one.
When you wonder what their feed tastes like.
When you kiss them.
When you tell your friends so much information they get annoyed of you.
you walk around with all eleven week-old chicks tucked into your shirt next to your skin because it's alittle chilly this morning, and snuggle them cause they probably miss their mama .....
you can find nothing wrong, or unusual, or odd about any of the aforementioned statements, it's something you would do cause is perfectly normal and logical to me, I don't have any chicken addiction, it's people that don't want chickens who have a problem find yourself at the grocery store talking to random strangers about what's wrong with store bought eggs, and knowing convince several of those strangers to go home and buy chickens to get REAL eggs!!!
you have several recipe books just for egg dishes.

you leave random egg cartons in your job's breakroom fridge with "free, please take" written on them.
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You become a 4-H volunteer just so you can see the chickens.
You think "which came first the chicken or the egg?" not as a question but as a win-win situation.


Joining 4H! Brilliant idea!
I do not have chickens or ducks yet, but I will.
My youngest is going to college, and I am on VA Disability.

Thank you,


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