Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

You know you're addicted to chickens when your friends and neighbors can tell you have been spending a lot of time in the chicken coop because you smell like chicken poop but they say it nicely.
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You know you're addicted to chickens when...
You get them minnows and crickets A LOT
You breed mealworms for them
You sit outside practically all day to keep them safe from predators
You feed them better than you feed yourself
You give them breakfast and dinner everyday
You 'tuck' them every night
One of them is so used to sitting on your lap every night that she nows jumps up onto your lap and sits down
You find it fun to look for worms and bugs with them
Your chickens are EXTREMELY spoiled!
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You select your outfit for the day based on whether it conceals scratches from excitable chickies: "Hmm, she scratched me a bit as she hopped out of my arms, looks like the short-sleeved, V-neck shirt is out..."
You know you're addicted to chickens when your wallpaper on your phone is not a picture of your significant other but a close up shot of your favorite hen!!
(in my case its ducks) cant stop talking about it to your mom, and she tells you to STOP TALKING!!!! Yes that happends alllll the time

...... You go in the kitchen in the morning and see a old banana and say "can I please have that?" And mom say "why, its gross looking!" And you say "no no no no no, not for me, for the ladies"

...... You are txting a friend and you start talking about the girls, and she doesnt care, because she loves them just as much!
You wake up in the morning and your first thought is, " I've got to feed my girls, make sure they have fresh water, and most importantly, "how many eggs are they going to give me today?"
You know you LOVE your chicken ladies when you actually grow organic leafy greens in your garden for them and feed them 5 gallon buckets of worms from your compost pile. YUM! I mean, bak! Bak! Bak!
I do that with my girls! Nothing is garbage! (Food-wise). Love ducks, but they didn't work out because they kept raping my hens!

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