Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

You know you're addicted to chickens when
You sew them little hen saver saddles that match their feathers (black checkerboard for BRs)
You call your husband from town to tell him to throw a couple apples into the run.
You pick up 2 more cute BR at point of lay even though you already have too many eggs.
You go about the yard with the camera hoping always to get that one perfect goofy hen shot.
You go on a 3 day trip with the girls to an island and gawk at the two groups of free ranging chickens you found on the island during the bike ride. Then spend next 1/2 hour talking about chickens until your see your friends' eyes glaze over, and you decide it better to just think rather than talk about the chickens, lest you be "kicked off the island."
when your grown kids say "Your ordered how many more chicks and have how many eggs in the incubator?????!!!!"

When someone notices new chickens amongst the hundred or so and you just shrug your shoulder and go "oh, they're not so new..."

When you blame new chickens on another family member and say "that's so-and-so's chickens." <insert son-daughter-spouse-friend's name in there>

Your granddaughter makes her parents stop the car because she sees chickens in a field that look just like Granny's. And it seems that every chicken she sees looks just like one that Granny has.
When you watch you tube viedos at work just because you miss your girls. (and you've been away from them for less than an hour)

All you want for your birthday/christmas is a bator and brooding pen to start breeding your beautiful new rooster.
When you can't sleep for 3 weeks strait planning coops what breeds you will buy and how you can get you hands on that perfect little farm for sale.
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... when your last name isn't the same as your kids' last name.. but your chickens last names are the same as theirs. When they asked, I told them "Cause all my kids' last names are _________! Don't worry, he's not the REAL dad! "

Good thing they share my sense of humor. (and they're grown, don't worry Im not doing this to little kids lol)
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